
examples of how to script the configuration of a PlaceOS instance

Primary LanguageCrystal

Example Import Scripts

Modify for importing your specific data. Recommend:

  1. writing scripts that can be executed multiple times
  2. use a source of truth like a published Google Sheets (publish in TSV format for best results)
  3. use API keys for instance access


  1. shards build
  2. ./bin/import_bookings
  3. ./bin/import_desks

Desk Command line switches

  • -f ./data.tsv if you have the data locally
  • -u https://path_to_TSV if you've published a google sheet
  • -d https://placeos.domain the placeos instance
  • -k abs1234xfndsx the placeos api key


./bin/import_desks -d "https://placeos.domain" -k "c3c1ebeb60d94dcc96caf5fae12"