Safe and Non-Conservative Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving Handling Unanticipated Behaviors of Traffic Participants


This repository contains the code to reproduce the simulations of the manuscript "Safe and Non-Conservative Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Driving Handling Unanticipated Behaviors of Traffic Participants" by Tommaso Benciolini, Michael Fink, Nehir Güzelkaya, Dirk Wollherr, Marion Leibold.



Run pip install -r requirements.txt to intall required libraries.

Run files

Change in the file the Start-up section depending on your goals and run the main script with python3.
The file plots stored data.
With plots in pdf and png format of defined time steps are generated.
The file computes the mean and standard deviation of the run time for multiple runs.


You can find the used parameters and settings in the following files: line 21: MPC Horizon
line 22: Flag, iterative recomputation of cosy
line 24: Show plot after run
line 25-26: Number of Simulations to evaluate statistical properties of the computation time.
line 30-31: Select the file name of the scenario
line 63-64: Linear dynamics of the obstacles
line 81-85: Initialize controller, set reference trajectory and weight matrices for MPC controller
line 7-8: Use debug plot, plot for each predictet time step with feasible area.
line 9-10: use plot, Plot of the current situation
line 12: Maximum velocity
line 13: Minimum velocity
line 14: Maximum acceleration
line 15: Minimum acceleration
line 16: Maximum change in acceleration