Find a buddy so you don't have to do your favorite thing alone.
- Product Owner: David Berry
- Scrum Master: Mark Suyat
- Development Team Members: Alex Jungroth, John Roxborough
- Product Owner: Placid Rodrigues
- Scrum Master: Kevin McFarlane
- Development Team Members: Kenneth Marshall, Scott Rudiger
We got the original app that had been built by a different team of engineers. The app included the following features:
- Post a buddy request
- Search for a buddy request
- Get notifications for messages
We added several cool features to the app in four days. Such as:
- Live Google Maps - for showing the open requests marked by their locations
- Browse Request List- (live)
- Realtime Messages/Chat - Using
- Profile view - Edit profile, Add interests, Show buddy list, View buddy profile
- Improved Notifications
- Email Notification when signing up and when other users add you as a buddy
- Add buddies - including automatic search text completion feature (using Typeahead)
- Find-a-buddy-bot
clone repo, npm install in root directory. Setup MongoDB uri and place in .env that you manually create.
Setup gmail for sending the notification mails and add the email address and password to the deployment server config and also in .env for local testing.
Add Google Maps API Key in index.ejs
Then run
npm install
bower install
npm run babel-watch
To start local server, run in another terminal
npm run start-dev
direct your browser to localhost:8080
Follow normal signup/login workflow from here, and you're ready to find a buddy
- Node 6.10.2
- NPM 5.0.4
- Bower 1.8.0
- everything else installed by NPM & Bower
From within the root directory:
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
at this point all dependencies will be downloaded. Bower dependencies will be downloaded and jsx will be transpiled as a post-install after running the command npm install
Acquire access to findabuddy Heroku project from development team. from the root directory of findabuddy: "heroku git:remote -a findabuddy" will give you a remote repository called heroku to deploy, first commit to your local repo, then type "git push heroku master"
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.