
Allows sorting images by preference

Primary LanguageC#



I got stuck having to sift through hundreds of photos to select those which I thought best. I needed a tool which could help me automate the task of comparing photos to one another.

I had found a candidate, Ranker, but:

  • The tool is built on top of GTKmm, which crippled my Windows system upon installation;
  • The tool crashed when I tried to import images into it.

ImageRanker is built on .NET 4.5.2.

What Should You Expect?

ImageRanker is as lean as I could make it:

  • Open/Save text-based ranking files: these files are simply lists of absolute image pathnames, ordered by rank (highest rank first).
  • Add/Remove/Clear images from the list.
  • Rank Images: You will be shown pairs of images until the ranking process is complete.

How to use

Main Form

The main form is pretty self-explanatory, as every command is listed in the menus, along with their shortcuts.

Pair Ranking Dialog

Progress of the ranking process appears in the title bar: "Ranking Pair X of N".

Radio buttons below the image pair show possible outcomes of the ranking:

  • Pick Both (initially selected): Both images are considered equivalent; not one image of the two registers a hit.
  • Pick (either side): The image on the same side as the radio button is considered more valuable that on the other side, and registers a hit.
  • Exclude (either side): The image on the same side as the radio button is excluded from further comparison. Note that this does not contitute a hit for the image on the other side.

Clicking the "Next" button validates the selected action.

Technical Notes

I had started out using Quicksort and showing the pairs as they came up, but the human mind being what it is, I could not avoid inconsistent results.

So, basically:

  • Each image is compared exactly once against every other ((n^2 + n) / 2 comparisons in total);
  • Each image selected from a pair registers a hit, and the images get sorted by descending hit count.