
Scala MongoDB API with async and BSON AST -> (JSON or CaseClass) pipeline

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

Beaucatcher is a Scala API for accessing MongoDB, exploring several ideas for taking better advantage of Scala.

If they work out, many of the ideas in Beaucatcher could be cool as part of Casbah, Hammersmith, or Salat and I'd love to see that or help accomplish it.

If you are interested in the ideas shown here then you are welcome to send suggestions, send patches, steal ideas into official drivers, or whatever you like. I'm friendly to all that; please ask me for help.

Beaucatcher is not truly finished and "productized", see the file TODO, but it may be close enough that you can enjoy using it if you approach it in a collaborative spirit and aren't afraid of source code. Nothing in TODO is rocket science as far as I know but there are lots of little things.

What is it?

Beaucatcher has two TL;DR big-picture attributes:

  • it fits into the Scala/Akka world (e.g. async IO using Future, immutable data structures)
  • it's a small core with pluggable components factored out, to enable customization and experimentation

The core does not have a hard dependency on these factored-out components:

  • the network backend (currently choice of Netty 3.3 or 3.4; but could be raw NIO, Finagle, whatever)
  • the protocol driver (currently choice of mongo-java-driver or a custom driver that lets you plug the network backend; but could be Hammersmith or a mock or whatever)
  • query representation (currently choice of Iterator, Map, or an lift-json-like abstract syntax tree called BObject; but could be a DSL for example)
  • document representation (currently choice of Iterator, Map, your case class via reflection, or BObject; but could be your own custom class or direct to a JSON string or whatever)

Most of this git repository can be thought of as examples only. The core jars (beaucatcher-base, beaucatcher-driver, beaucatcher-mongo) do not depend on Netty or mongo-java-driver or scalap or any of that; those dependencies are only if you want them. You can swap in your own approach instead and you'll be on a level playing field with the included examples.

You can use Beaucatcher as a convenience wrapper around Mongo Java Driver, or you can use it as a testbed to experiment with network backends, or you can design your own query DSL or your own Salat-style document mapper.

Diagram of the dependency graph: Dependency graph

There's some example code in the examples directory.

Ideas in Beaucatcher

  1. Rather than a hardcoded DBObject type, Beaucatcher uses typeclasses (as in Hammersmith). This means that any type, such as a JSON string or your own JSON representation or your own custom domain object, can be encoded or decoded directly to MongoDB.

  2. Beaucatcher goes a step further than Hammersmith and has separate typeclasses for different contexts, such as queries and query results. This is some extra type-safety and cleanliness (and if you invent your own query DSL, you don't have to implement decoding from MongoDB, just encoding).

  3. Query and query-result typeclasses can go to/from either the wire format or an iterator, which means you can create a custom encoder or decoder without touching the wire protocol directly. This makes a custom encoder or decoder much easier to write, and therefore more practical for app developers. It also means that Beaucatcher can efficiently use mongo-java-driver or a mock as a backend, without going through a BSON serialization.

  4. It provides immutable versions of basic BSON types such as ObjectId, and avoids mutable state throughout (other than a couple optimization cheats...).

  5. Uses the Future type from Akka (which will be scala.concurrent.Future in Scala 2.10) to provide asynchronous API.

  6. For each call to MongoDB, it's easy to choose either sync or async API, and choose the type of object you want to get back for results (e.g. a Map or JSON or a custom domain object). For example, maybe in your Scala code you want to get a typesafe object but for your REST APIs you want to decode from Mongo directly into JSON. You can use the appropriate result type for each. The syntax is like MyCollection.sync[ResultType].find().

  7. Makes it easy to create a singleton object representing a collection, without keeping a reference to sockets or threads in the singleton. That is, there's a type (called CollectionAccess) that knows how to set up indexes on a collection and make queries to the collection; and a separate type (called Context) which represents an actual database connection. You import an implicit Context, then use the singleton CollectionAccess to access the collection. This lets you work with multiple databases and helps avoid memory leak problems (singletons that reference threads and sockets cause GC trouble). CollectionAccess ensures that indexes are set up a single time for each database connection. If you're working with multiple database connections, this can be very helpful. You can also drop any global inititialization code you may have had to ensure indexes on your collections. CollectionAccess with its separate Context removes initialization boilerplate and reduces global state.

  8. Selects the backend driver at runtime, via configuration file (using the config lib which is also slated for Scala 2.10). Currently the backends are mongo-java-driver, or a thing called "channel driver" which has pluggable network backends. At the moment the pluggable backends include one for netty 3.3 and another for netty 3.4. But it would be easy to drop in and experiment with a non-netty nio backend or a Finagle backend or whatever you like. You could also drop in a "mock" driver here and select it via configuration, a little cleaner than the approach Fongo has to take with mongo-java-driver.

  9. Provides a completely optional immutable BSON/JSON representation called BObject, which is a more Scala-native alternative to DBObject and also works as a JSON library. Thanks to typeclasses BObject is on top of the dependency chain, not at the bottom, though -- so if you don't like it, you can still use all the Mongo stuff and create your own encoders/decoders for whatever data type or query DSL you want to use.

  10. Provides a very simple way to decode BSON data into case classes; again, this is on top of the dependency chain and not on the bottom, so it's completely optional. A more powerful solution such as Salat could be used instead.

  11. Less shared state; there's no concept of registering type conversion handlers or setting collection- or database-wide options. In turn there's no need to worry about initialization or order of object creation.

  12. (not yet implemented) write concerns (get last error parameters) should have defaults defined in configuration per-collection, so you won't have to modify your code to change these.

So in short it's much more flexible if you want to replace or customize any part of the MongoDB stack: query DSL, networking layer, document encode/decode. And it has the Scala goodies like async with the standardized-in-2.10 Future, immutable data structures, and the powerful config lib. Customization is always via typeclasses or configuration, not by setting some kind of shared mutable state.

As a bonus there are a few features in here to reduce app boilerplate and "setup" code, mostly the CollectionAccess vs. Context split which gives you separate "schema" and "connection" objects.

My hope is that the Beaucatcher design makes it easy to experiment with different query DSLs, document representations, networking/async-IO mechanisms, and so forth; you can experiment without having to reimplement the entire MongoDB stack. It's easy to do an isolated, apples-to-apples performance comparison of these individual elements, as well.

Code overview

Some pointers for understanding the module divisions and reading the code...

  • a "channel" is responsible for handling a single TCP socket connected to mongod and just pulling raw requests on and off the wire; it implements MongoSocket. Channels could be implemented with netty, Finagle, NIO, Spray, etc. (your network thingy of choice). Right now there are Netty 3.3 and 3.4 channels, with identical code.

  • a "driver" takes care of replica sets, pooling, etc. and provides Collection and Context objects that only have the MongoDB "primitive" operations. See the driver-level collection interface for example. Then the implementation using mongo-java-driver and one using channels.

  • the "core" consists of three parts:

    • beaucatcher-driver is the driver interface.
    • beaucatcher-base is a bunch of data types (BSON object ID, timestamp, command result, MongoException), and the codec (encoder/decoder) typeclasses. Nothing related to networking.
    • beaucatcher-mongo is the application-facing API for using Mongo collections.
  • beaucatcher-mongo loads a configured driver via reflection and provides "high level" operations on top of the driver: a bunch of convenience methods that call the driver's MongoDB primitives with different options, etc. This is the application-visible API, see for example AsyncCollection.

  • The core includes encoders/decoders for Iterator[(String,Any)] and Map[String,Any] since those are pretty generic and agnostic ways to express queries and results.

  • above the core, the "bobject" and "caseclass" packages contain a couple of extra possible representations for queries and results. These are totally optional.

  • mandatory external dependencies are akka.dispatch.Future/scala.concurrent.Future and com.typesafe.config.Config. Both of these are slated to be included in Scala 2.10, so for 2.10 there would be zero external dependencies for the core. External dependencies would be only those needed for the selected channel/driver/codecs.