
HealthKit bindings for React Native with TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Test @kingstinct/react-native-healthkit on NPM npm

React Native bindings for HealthKit with full TypeScript and Promise support covering about any kind of data. Keeping TypeScript mappings as close as possible to HealthKit - both in regards to naming and serialization. This will make it easier to keep this library up-to-date with HealthKit as well as browsing the official documentation (and if something - metadata properties for example - is not typed it will still be accessible).

Data Types Query Save Subscribe Examples
80+ Quantity Types Steps, energy burnt, blood glucose etc..
63 Category Types Sleep analysis, mindful sessions etc..
75+ Workout Activity Types Swimming, running, table tennis etc..
Correlation Types Food and blood pressure
Document Types CDA documents exposed as Base64 data
Clinical Records Lab results etc in FHIR JSON format


This library is provided as-is without any warranty and is not affiliated with Apple in any way. The data might be incomplete or inaccurate.


Native or Expo Bare Workflow

  1. yarn add @kingstinct/react-native-healthkit (or npm install @kingstinct/react-native-healthkit)
  2. npx pod-install
  3. Set NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription and NSHealthShareUsageDescription in your Info.plist
  4. Enable the HealthKit capability for the project in Xcode.
  5. Since this package is using Swift you might also need to add a bridging header in your project if you haven't already, you can find more about that in the official React Native docs
  6. During runtime check and request permissions with requestAuthorization. Failing to request authorization, or requesting a permission you haven't requested yet, will result in the app crashing.

Expo Managed Workflow

Usage with Expo is possible - just keep in mind it will not work in Expo Go and you'll need to roll your own Dev Client.

  1. yarn add @kingstinct/react-native-healthkit (or npm install @kingstinct/react-native-healthkit)
  2. Update your app.json:
  "expo": {
    "ios": {
      "infoPlist": {
        "NSHealthShareUsageDescription": "<< your usage description here >>",
        "NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription": "<< your usage description here >>"
      "entitlements": {
        "com.apple.developer.healthkit": true,
        "com.apple.developer.healthkit.background-delivery": true
  1. Build a new Dev Client
  2. During runtime check and request permissions with requestAuthorization. Failing to request authorization, or requesting a permission you haven't requested yet, will result in the app crashing.


Some hook examples:

import { HKQuantityTypeIdentifier, useHealthkitAuthorization } from '@kingstinct/react-native-healthkit';

const [authorizationStatus, requestAuthorization] = useHealthkitAuthorization([HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.bloodGlucose])

// make sure that you've requested authorization before requesting data, otherwise your app will crash
import { useMostRecentQuantitySample, HKQuantityTypeIdentifier } from '@kingstinct/react-native-healthkit';

const mostRecentBloodGlucoseSample = useMostRecentQuantitySample(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.bloodGlucose)

Some imperative examples:

  import HealthKit, { HKUnit, HKQuantityTypeIdentifier, HKInsulinDeliveryReason, HKCategoryTypeIdentifier } from '@kingstinct/react-native-healthkit';

  const isAvailable = await HealthKit.isHealthDataAvailable();

  /* Read latest sample of any data */
  await HealthKit.requestAuthorization([HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.bodyFatPercentage]); // request read permission for bodyFatPercentage

  const { quantity, unit, startDate, endDate } = await HealthKit.getMostRecentQuantitySample(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.bodyFatPercentage); // read latest sample
  console.log(quantity) // 17.5
  console.log(unit) // %

  /* Listen to data */
  await HealthKit.requestAuthorization([HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.heartRate]); // request read permission for heart rate

  const unsubscribe = HealthKit.subscribeToChanges(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.heartRate, () => {
    // refetch whichever queries you need

  /* write data */
  await HealthKit.requestAuthorization([], [HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.insulinDelivery]); // request write permission for insulin delivery

        metadata: {
          // Metadata keys could be arbirtary string to store app-specific data.
          // To use built-in types from https://developer.apple.com/documentation/healthkit/samples/metadata_keys
          // you need to specify string values instead of variable names (by dropping MetadataKey from the name).
          HKInsulinDeliveryReason: HKInsulinDeliveryReason.basal,

  /* Hooks */
  const lastBodyFatSample = HealthKit.useMostRecentQuantitySample(HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.bodyFatPercentage);
  const lastMindfulSession = Healthkit.useMostRecentCategorySample(
  const lastWorkout = Healthkit.useMostRecentWorkout();

A note on Apple Documentation

We're striving to do as straight a mapping as possible to the Native Libraries. This means that in most cases the Apple Documentation makes sense. However, when it comes to the Healthkit Metadata Keys the documentation doesn't actually reflect the serialized values. For example HKMetadataKeyExternalUUID in the documentation serializes to HKExternalUUID - which is what we use.

Clinical Records

For accessing Clinical Records use old version (3.x) or use specific branch ""


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
