
Advanced Topics in Programming Languages, Penn CIS 670, Fall 2016

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Advanced Topics in Programming Languages

CIS 670, Fall 2016

Instructor: Stephanie Weirich
Time: TR 1:30-3PM
Location: Towne 319
Textbook: Practical Foundations for Programming Languages
Prerequisite: CIS 500 or PhD student status


Date Speaker Lecture Topic Notes
8/30 Stephanie Intros, Locally nameless 083016.md
9/1 Stephanie Ch 2 - Abstract binding trees 090116.md
9/6 Stephanie Cofinite quantification 090616.md
9/8 Stephanie Ch 4 - Structural rules 090816.md
9/13 Stephanie Ch 4 & 5 - More typing & evaluation 091316.md
9/15 Stephanie Ch 6 & 7 - Type soundness times 2 091516.md
9/20 ICFP (no class) Ch 8 - Function Definitions and Values read on your own
9/22 ICFP (no class) Ch 9 - System T of Higher-Order Recursion finish Ch9.v
9/27 Solomon (smaina) Ch 10 - Product Types 092716.md
9/29 Yao (liyao) Ch 11 - Sum Types 092916.md
10/4 Pritam (pritam) Ch 12 - Constructive Logic 100416.md slides
10/6 Fall break (no class)
10/11 Antoine (voizard) Ch 13 - Classical Logic 101116.md
10/13 Leo (llamp) Ch 14 - Generic Programming 101316.md
10/18 Nicholas (chkoh) Ch 15 - Inductive and Coinductive Types 101816.md
10/20 Yishuai (yishuai) Ch 16 - System F of Polymorphic Types 102016.md
10/24 Teng (tengz) Ch 17 - Abstract Types 102516.md code
  |                     |                                            | Project Checkpoint due

10/27 | Richard (rmzhang) | Ch 19 - System PCF of Recursive Functions | 102716.md 11/1 | Stephanie | Ch 20 - System FPC of Recursive Types | 110116.md 11/3 | Kenny (kfoner) | Ch 21 - The Untyped lambda-Calculus | 110316.md code 11/8 | Omar (omarsa) | Ch 22 - Dynamic Typing | 110816.md code 11/10 | Hengchu (hengchu) | Ch 23 - Hybrid Typing | 111016.md 11/15 | Stephanie | Ch 46 - Equality for System T | 111516.md code 11/17 | Stephanie | Ch 46 cont. | 11/22 | Stephanie | Ch 48 - Parametricity | 112216.md 11/24 | Thanksgiving (no class) 11/29 | Project demos (Richard, Hengchu, Teng) | 12/1 | Project demos (Nicolas, Yishuai, Solomon) | | Yishuai 12/6 | Project demos (Omar, Leo & Kenny) | 12/8 | Project demos (Pritam, Antoine, Yao) |

Potential topics from PFPL

  • Part I Judgements and Rules (Stephanie)
  • Part II Statics and Dynamics (Stephanie)
  • Part III Total Functions (Read on your own)
  • Part IV Finite Data Types (Solomon Ch10, Yao Ch11)
  • Part V Types and Propositions (Pritam Ch12, Antoine Ch13)
  • Part VI Infinite Data Types (Kenny Ch14, Nicolas Ch15)
  • Part VII Variable Types (Yishuai Ch16, Teng Ch17, skip Ch18?)
  • Part VIII Partiality and Recursive Types (Richard Ch19 & Stephanie Ch20)
  • Part IX Dynamic Types (Leo Ch21, Omar Ch22, Hengchu Ch23)
