This is a bug tracking and user feedback Asset called the Helpdesk; a plugin for the WebGUI content management system. It's currently in a late beta stage of development. ------------------------------------------------------------------- WebGUI and the Helpdesk are Copyright 2001-2010 Plain Black Corporation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Please read the legal notices (docs/legal.txt) and the license (docs/license.txt) that came with this distribution before using this software. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- To install this Asset in a WebGUI site: 1) Download the helpdesk project and put it in /data/helpdesk 2) echo /data/helpdesk/lib >> /data/WebGUI/sbin/preload.custom 3) mysql -u dbUser -p dbPassword < docs/helpdesk.sql 3) cd /data/helpdesk/sbin; perl --configFile=<your config file name> 4) cp -R /data/helpdesk/www/extras /data/WebGUI/www 5) Restart Apache and Spectre. If you use the WRE, --restart modperl spectre 6) Install the HelpDesk package, with templates and styles, from docs/help_desk.wgpkg