
plaitpy-ipc - an intermarkov process ecosystem

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This module is an external module for plait.py that provides an ecosystem to run multiple plaitpy processes in, as well as inter-markov process communication features like locks, queues and shared variables.

what can be simulated

  • simple M/M/c queues, like bank teller queues
  • kitchen and bathroom usage in a house
  • desk usage in a workspace
  • multiple agents browsing multiple websites
  • etc

self contained example

The follow is an ecosystem with a single lock. It starts with a parent process that spawns children every now and then. The children can spawn more children and so on. The limitation is that only one child can be spawned per tick because of the "spawner" lock.

setup: |
  import plaitpy_ipc
  import json

  if not GLOBALS.ecosystem:
    GLOBALS.ecosystem = plaitpy_ipc.Ecosystem()
    GLOBALS.ECO = ecosystem.shared()

    ecosystem.add_lock("spawner", capacity=1)

   lambda: ecosystem.get_tick()

    onlyif: random.random() > 0.9 and ECO.spawner.grab()
    lambda: ecosystem.spawn("spawner.yaml")

      lambda: 0
    lambda: prev.age + 1

    onlyif: random.random() > 0.9 and this.age > 0
    lambda: ecosystem.expire()

    lambda: ecosystem.get_pid()

print: |
  for r, p in ecosystem.gen_records():

Because this is a single yaml template for demonstration purposes, the parent process and children process are sharing the same file. A consequence of this is that the outermost parent process can not expire because it is not running inside the ecosystem. Also notice that the parent process is not included in gen_records.

ecosystem usage

To create an ecosystem, a parent template must exist that will run the ecosystem. In the parent template's print method, they will call gen_records(), causing all the processes in the ecosystem to tick forward.

To create a process, spawn(template_name) is used. To expire the current process, expire() is called from the process that should expire.

The parent template's fields will not be printed when using this pattern, so they can be used to keep track of state information.


all resources should be declared ahead of time, using add_queue, add_lock and add_quantity. Once a resource is declared, it is available through the ecosystem's shared() variable.


To synchronize usage of a resource, we use named Locks. The lock can be grabbed with grab() by any process. There is no release function, though - as long as a process keeps calling grab(), they will hold the lock. It takes one tick to release the lock by inactivity.

Any processes that didn't grab the lock will receive False, while the process that did grab the lock will receive True.

Locks can have a capacity, which specifies how many individual processes can hold that lock at once.


Queues are similar to locks, except the order of which process tried to grab the lock is retained in a FIFO manner. Similar to a lock, the queue unlocks implicitly and takes one tick of inactivity to be released.


A simple table visualizer exists to watch processes as long as they have an id and tick field in them. See the makefile's bank and ecosystem rules for how to generate a viz/output.js file, then load viz/viz.html in a browser.