
What is it Vuetify?

A UI component library based on Google Material Design specifically designed for VueJS to improve UX. It uses CSS classes and VueJS components.


Vue CLI 3

vue create project_name

  • Manually select features: Babel, router and linter
  • Use history mode
  • Use ESLint with error prevention only
  • Use Lint on save
  • Place the features in package.json
  • No preset for future projects


vue add vuetify

  • Preset: Default

Complete documentation:

Some UI examples


V-toolbar component:

  • Add the attribute/prop app to fix the navbar at the top of the window.
  • Add dark to change the navbar's background color. By default, light is set.
  • Add class="indigo" to overwrite the navbar's bg color ; dark will keep the text color white.
  • Add height="150" to increase the navbar's height.

See the "Toolbar" section in the documentation.


  • Add class="red" to set the bg color and white--text to set the color of the text.
  • Add pink lighten-4 to lighten the bg color and red--text text--darken-4 to darken the color of the text.

See the "Colors" section in the documentation.


  • Add class="display-4" or class="subheading" or class="caption" to set the font-size.
  • Add `class="font-weight-bold" to set the font-weight.

See the "Typography" section in the documentation.


  • The tag v-btn creates a button.
  • class="pink white--text" is equal to dark color="pink".
  • Add depressed to remove the box-shadow.
  • Add flat color="pink" to set the bg color to transparent and the text color to pink.
  • Add small or large to set the button's size.

See the "Button" section in the documentation.


  • The tag v-icon creates a MD icon and the word in between the tags sets the icon symbol.
  • Add small or large to set the icon's size.
  • To add text inside and keep a space with the icon:
  <v-icon left>email</v-icon>
  <span>email me</span>
  • Add fab to create a circle button with a centered icon in it:
<v-btn fab>

All icons:

Visibility and breakpoints

We can hide components using class="hidden-(breakpoint)-(condition)".

  • To hide a button between the two breakpoints of small sized screens: <v-btn class="hidden-md-only">click me</v-btn>
  • To hide a button until the medium sized screens breakpoint: <v-btn class="hidden-md-and-down">click me</v-btn>
  • To hide a button from the large sized screens breakpoint and up: <v-btn class="hidden-lg-and-up">click me</v-btn>

See the "Visibility" and "Breakpoints" sections in the documentation.

Grid and flex

<v-layout row wrap>
  <v-flex xs12 md6>
    <v-btn outline block class="primary">1</v-btn>
  <v-flex xs4 md2>
    <v-btn outline block class="primary">2</v-btn>
  <v-flex xs4 md2>
    <v-btn outline block class="primary">3</v-btn>
  <v-flex xs4 md2>
    <v-btn outline block class="primary">4</v-btn>

<v-layout row wrap justify-space-around>
  <v-flex xs4 md3>
    <v-btn outline block class="success">3</v-btn>
  <v-flex xs4 md3>
    <v-btn outline block class="success">4</v-btn>

See the "Grid system" section in the documentation.