
Simulator for craps with various betting strategies

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🎲📈 crapssim

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A python package to run all of the necessary elements of a Craps table. The package follows some natural logic:

  • a CrapsTable has Player(s) and Dice on it
  • the Player(s) have Bet(s) on the CrapsTable as prescribed by their strategies.

With these building blocks, crapssim supports

  • running 1 session with 1 player/strategy to test a realistic day at the craps table,
  • running many sessions with 1 player/strategy to understand how a strategy performs in the long term, or
  • running many sessions with many players/strategies to simulate how they compare to each other

These powerful options can lead to some unique analysis of the game of craps, such as the following figure comparing 4 strategies with a budget of $200:



I will post results from this simulator on my site: http://pages.stat.wisc.edu/~kent/blog.

Current blog posts include:


You can install crapssim with

pip install crapssim

This requires Python >=3.6 and pip to be installed on your computer. You will also need a recent version of numpy, which can be installed by pip install numpy.

Getting Started

There's a few good resources for getting started:

  1. Try the interactive google collab notebook to test a single strategy and see how the interface works
  2. Check out Corey Brown's scripts to define strategies and compare them: https://github.com/coreyabrown/CoreyCrapsSim
  3. Looks at the minimal working examples below

To see how a single session might play out for you using a pass line bet with double odds, over 20 rolls, one might run:

import crapssim as craps

table = craps.Table()
your_strat = craps.strategy.passline_odds2
you = craps.Player(bankroll=200, bet_strategy=your_strat)


To evaluate a couple of strategies across many table sessions, you can run:

import crapssim as craps 

n_sim = 20
bankroll = 300
strategies = {
    "place68": craps.strategy.place68, 
    "ironcross": craps.strategy.ironcross 

for i in range(n_sim):
    table = craps.Table() 
    for s in strategies:
        table.add_player(craps.Player(bankroll, strategies[s], s))

    table.run(max_rolls=float("inf"), max_shooter=10, verbose=False)
    for s in strategies:
        print(f"{i}, {s}, {table._get_player(s).bankroll}, {bankroll}, {table.dice.n_rolls}")

For more advanced strategies, you need to write a custom function that can perform the strategy. Some building blocks and examples can be found in strategy.py


If you discover something interesting using this simulator, please let me know so that I can highlight those results here. You can find me at skent259@gmail.com.

Those looking to contribute to this project are welcome to do so. Currently, the top priority is to improve