
Java Forum Project developed on Spring, Thymeleaf and mySQL

Primary LanguageCSS


Java Forum Project based on Spring, Thymeleaf and mySQL

This is my graduate project at SwiftAcademy. Project theme: Software Forum


1/ Categories of forums

1.1/ categories contain images and can be managed by Administrators

2./ Each forum contains topics

2.1/ forum can be managed by Administrators

2.2/ forum list show each topic views, replies and last reply by author and time of creation

3/ Topic contains replies of users

3.1/ each registered user can create topics

3.2/ only authors can edit and delete their topics

3.3/ administrators can edit and delete any topic

3.4/ topic has visits counter

4/ Replies for topics

4.1/ each reply shows detailed information about its author: image, registration time, gender, number of replies posted

4.2/ reply has creation and update dates

4.3/ replies can be managed by their authors and by administrators

5/ tree forum navigation in both directions is available

6/ Admin panel for Categories, Forums and Users

7/ Security system supports 2 types of users: User and Admin

8/ Each user has a profile page