
Flickr Photo Stream creates a photostream-like gallery of images hosted on Flickr. It utilizes the public Flickr API to display a feed of recently added public photos -


  • Display Flickr-hosted photos with corresponding title, author and description
  • Show image in a thumbnail, possibility to open original photo in Flickr by clicking on the image title
  • Possibility to open full image details including description by clicking on the image thumbnail or description (See more...)
  • Link to author page on Flickr
  • Infinite scroll
  • Search functionality based on tags
  • Wide browser support (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE)
  • Mobile-optimized, tested on IOS and Android

Further improvements

  • Display the gallery in a justified layout rather than using static thumbnails (as per requirement)
  • Possibility to display full-size images rather than thumbnails (limitation of the public photo feed)
  • Navigation between the photos, slideshow functionality
  • Multiple sorting options based on tag, title, size, description
  • Search functionality based on geo-tagging
  • Improved safe search
  • Improved styling
  • Unit tests
  • Static typing - TypeScript or Flow
  • Autoprefixer for wider css support

