
An actual simple lightweight iOS REST resource mapping library with little configuration

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


[CI Status](https://travis-ci.org/Daniel Green/Luncheon) Version License Platform


Please note: Luncheon is in very early development. Some features mentioned in this README may not be finished but may be representational of the direction we want to head.

Also note: Due to protocol extensions, this project requires Swift 2.0 (and therefore Xcode 7)

Luncheon is designed to have as minimal and simple setup as possible. With "convention over configuration" in mind we thought developing an app that communicates a REST API should be really simple. Other projects that try to tackle the same problems always end up with a lot of boiler-plate code or mapping relations.

At the moment, compatibility with a conventional Rails-served REST API is in mind, we hope to Luncheon will cover the majority of REST services, but please keep in mind development is still in early days. Feel free to send any pull requests our way!

Here are some of Luncheon's features:

  • Complete resource mapping between local/remote models

    • Route mapping: A Post model matches up to the route /posts.
    • The server's id property is automatically mapped to model.remote.id locally.
    • Creating vs updating - depending on whether model.remote.id is present, calling save() will either create or update the resource (i.e. POST /posts or PATCH /posts/42).
    • Nested resource mapping.
    • When calling save() only the attributes that have been changed since being fetched will be sent up to the server.
    • Fields from JSON response are mapped directly to model properties. There is no manual JSON handling necessary (with the exception of a custom error handler).
    • Automatically maps snake_case properties to the Swift standard camelCase.
    • All network tasks are handled asyncronously
  • Error handling

    • We sadly find a lot of developers actually completely overlook errors (especially when prototyping or MVPing), so we put in a no-setup default handler: By default, errors, from no-internet errors to validation errors with models, are alerted in an UIAlertView. Only the first error will be alerted as to avoid the end-user getting over-flooded.
    • Yet, still easily customisable (just set your own implemention to Luncheon.Options.errorHandler)
  • Easily get model property values as a dictionary with attributes() and attributesUnderscore()

  • Flexibility

    • Luncheon takes advantage of Swift 2.0 protocol extensions, meaning that your Luncheon models can subclass other libraries, meaning you can use the same objects with CoreData or other third party libraries.


Configuration can be as simple as supplying a baseUrl:

Luncheon.Options.baseUrl = "http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com"

Defining a model:

class Post: NSObject, Lunch {
    dynamic var title : String?

    required override init() {

Grab and print out list of posts:

// GET /posts
Post.all { (posts: [Post] in
    for post in posts {

Create a new post and print out the response resource's attributes:

let myPost = Post()
myPost.title = "Wow, Luncheon saves me so much time"

// POST /posts
myPost.save { post in

Grab an existing post and print its attributes:

// GET /posts/42
Post.find(42) { post in println(post.attributes()) }

Or some accociated comments on a post:

// GET /posts/42/comments
post.remote.accociated(Comment).all { (comments: [Comment]) in
    for comment in comments {


Luncheon is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Luncheon", git: "https://github.com/Dan2552/Luncheon.git"

Main Contributors


Luncheon is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.