
My yii2-minimal template. When web into www folder, all other in home. See more inside... No differen in the core of yii2, just template.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Yii 2 Applications Templates (Restructured)




That is templates based on Yii 2 Minimal Application Template. You can use some of that on your taste. That is a skeletons for Yii 2 application best for starting totally from scratch.

Causes of creating:

Q: Why I do that?

A: I need that template for better start with some of my projects


Main differences:

  • Had done different structure at your server. Web and etc. move to www, all other moved to home


  home/                 contains all main work code what you can not get outer from server.
  home/apps/            contains all application.
  home/myLittleHelper/  contains my little script what helps me write configuration for Application
  home/yii2/            contains yii2-framework and composer for update.
  home/yii2/vendor      contains yii2-frameworks dependent 3rd-party packages.
  www/                  contains the entry script and Web resources
  www/demo              contains guide demo files for get an example of all application

Application by Sam Dark (Yii2 Minimal) and main differences from the origin:

  • The template contains the basic features including user login/logout.
  • It includes all commonly used configurations that would allow you to focus on adding new features to your application.
  • Configurations is extended by me. UrlManager is on and .htaccess in the directory of web.
  • jQuery at PRODUCTION is min at config!
  • Namespace at application changed from @app to @samDark\minimal
  • Some of aliases in other file what included at start at main config


  home/sam-dark/minimal/config/             contains application configurations
  home/sam-dark/minimal/controllers/        contains Web controller classes
  home/sam-dark/minimal/models/             contains model classes
  home/sam-dark/minimal/runtime/            contains files generated during runtime
  home/yii2/vendor/                         contains dependent 3rd-party packages
  home/sam-dark/minimal/views/              contains view files for the Web application
  home/sam-dark/minimal/web/                contains the entry script and Web resources

Application onePage:

######!!! ######CHANGE THAT ######ADD install info about .dist to web/index.php file


  commands/           contains console commands (controllers)
  config/             contains application configurations
  controllers/        contains Web controller classes
  models/             contains model classes
  runtime/            contains files generated during runtime
  vendor/             contains dependent 3rd-party packages
  views/              contains view files for the Web application
  web/                contains the entry script and Web resources


The minimum requirement by this application template that your Web server supports PHP 5.4.0.


  1. Create a dir where you want to create that project, on your taste.

  2. Create files for logs [optional - if you don't need this you can skip this step] You can create dir and files using the following command:

$ mkdir log
$ touch log/access.log|touch log/error.log
  1. Use composer for get template: If you do not have Composer, you may install it by following the instructions at getcomposer.org.

You can then install this application template using the following command:

$ php composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.1.0"
$ git init
$ git clone https://github.com/planet17/yii-app-template.git .

#composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev samdark/yii2-minimal path/to/your/project
  1. Prepare your server. Add domain to your host. I run my app at my local. I use it at my:

Ubuntu Server an Apache >= 2.4 or Nginx >= 1.4 PHP >= 5.6

So as example add domain to my hosts:

Now you should be able to access the application through the following URL, assuming your server webroot is pointed to www directory.

localhost/ [http://domain.name]

b) Example of my settings for Apache2:

<VirtualHost> DocumentRoot [path-to-the-dir]/www <Directory [path-to-the-dir]/www> Options Indexes FollowSymlinks AllowOverride All Require all granted ErrorLog [path-to-the-dir]/log/error.log CustomLog [path-to-the-dir]/log/access.log combined

    • About add an ErrorLog and CustomLog is optional, so if you don't create logs dir above...


If you want change the name of directory application, its okay. Then you need

  1. Rename your directory in the /home/apps/[my_app_name]

  2. Change composer json so you need go: extra > yii\composer\Installer::postCreateProject > setPermission & generateCookieValidationKey and set new path at that

  3. Rename your directory

  4. Change composer json so you need go: extra > yii\composer\Installer::postCreateProject > setPermission & generateCookieValidationKey and set new path at that

$ composer -d=home/yii2 create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev samdark/yii2-minimal .
$ composer -d=home/yii2 install
$ composer -d=home/yii2 update

Now setting of permission don't work automatically, so you need using the following command:

chmod 777 home/apps/my_yii2_application/runtime | chmod 777 home/apps/my_yii2_application/runtime
chmod 777 www/demo/sign-up/assets
chmod 777 www/demo/sign-in/assets



Edit the file config/db.php with real data, for example:

return [
    'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=yii2minimal',
    'username' => 'root',
    'password' => '1234',
    'charset' => 'utf8',


  • All command work relatively to root-dir of project. I usually use terminal into my IDE, so I don't need to write a full path.
  • Into the apps only one application don't use the database. It is SamDark/Minimal

NOTES FROM Sam Dark (Yii2):

  • Yii won't create the database for you, this has to be done manually before you can access it.
  • Check and edit the other files in the config/ directory to customize your application as required.

Future changes

  1. I want do and very little module with my own helper, so I will remove myLittleHelper and do that like a 3rd party into yii2/vendor, and that actually will req. for composer.