
A Project Starter Kit, made with love by Planetary

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


A Project Starter Kit, made with love by Planetary

What does it do?

Airframe allows you to rapidly prototype sites by providing a lightweight scaffold. It makes suggestions without being too prescriptive.

The scaffold includes webpack for compilation and hot reloading, pug for templates, and postcss for smart CSS compilation.

In addition to the compilation tasks, Airframe includes:

  • A clear, concise default folder structure that is suggested but not prescribed.
  • A small amount of default CSS for normalization and to provide basic grid functionality.
  • Documentation (at /docs) that can be used as a jumping-off point for design.


$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/planetary/airframe.git
$ cd airframe
$ rm -rf .git/ && git init
$ npm install


Use npm run dev to continuously watch and re-build the project. Airframe will automatically run a server from the build folder at localhost:8080. Webpack will hot-reload styles and scripts and will refresh the browser automatically when templates are updated.


For Production

Use npm run build to build a production ready bundle with hashed and minified assets with support for long-term caching. Also excludes development tools such as the documentation and strips out any other unused css rules.

With Development Config

Use npm run build:dev to build a bundle that uses the same config as npm run dev. Useful for generating a bundle that reflects your development environment. The output can be inspected to see exactly what npm run dev is producing, or deployed to a development staging server.

Installing Sublime Text Helpers

CSS Linting

  1. Open Sublime Text 3, type Cmd+Shift+P to open the prompt and type to select "Package Control: Install Package"
  2. Type to select "SublimeLinter", wait until that finishes installing.
  3. Open the "Install Package" prompt from step 1 again and type to select "SublimeLinter-contrib-stylelint", wait until that finishes installing.
  4. Restart Sublime Text 3 and you should now see linting issues in the gutter of the editor.