QGIS Python Plugin Repository Generation and Updater Utility

Generate and manage a QGIS plugin repository (repo) on the local filesystem.

Note: This is a simple script, geared towards specific tasks. If you are looking for something more robust, with a frontend and user management, like what the QGIS project uses for http://plugins.qigs.org, see the QGIS-Django project.

This utility helps with deploying and updating your own QGIS plugin repo, either to help with plugin development or manage a remote custom repo.

Things you can do with the utility...

  • Generate and manage a local filesystem, static repo.
  • Copy or sync such a repo to a website or S3 bucket.
  • Test-serve a local repo for validating plugin installation in QGIS.
  • Send a continuous integration job's plugin archive artifact to a repo
  • Mirror entire other plugin repos, for various versions of QGIS
  • Maintain multiple repos, relative to purpose and authentication needs

How to use

Clone this code repo or download the latest archive. Then:

$> cd <path/to/code/repo>/scripts

This is the working directory for all operations, unless otherwise defined in customized settings.

$> tree .
├── load-test-plugins-remote.sh
├── load-test-plugins.sh
├── plugins-xml.py
├── plugins-xml.sh
├── settings.py.tmpl
├── templates_tmpl
│   └── ...
├── uploads
└── www

Generally, you will want to use the plugins-xml.sh script, as it is a wrapper for plugins-xml.py and ensures that a proper Python virtualenv is set up prior to running any subcommands.

The virtualenv utility is required and must be found on PATH.

Note: The Python scripts have been developed and tested against Python 3.8.1+, they will not work with Python 2.7, which is now unsupported.

The settings.py.tmpl file and templates_tmpl directory offer a means of custom configuration* or your own repo(s). Review their contents for customization hints. To enable these settings, simply duplicate them and remove the _tmpl suffix from each. Otherwise, the scripts will use the defaults outlined below in the subcommand help.

The uploads and www are the default input and output directories, though these can be located elsewhere on the file system, if so defined in custom settings.

The load-test-plugins*.sh scripts allow you to quickly test a repo setup and remote execution.

Help for plugins-xml.sh subcommands

IMPORTANT: All commands require a 'repo' parameter, which must match an entry in the default or custom settings. It is recommended to keep separate repos for different plugin release types, e.g. dev, beta, release or mirrored. This aids with long term maintenance of repos.

However, this is not required and all plugin types can be stored in one repo; albeit this relies heavily upon QGIS's plugin manager to handle all multi-version resolutions. Undefined plugin results filtering may occur with plugins that have non-symantic version syntax.

$> ./plugins-xml.sh --help
usage: plugins-xml [-h] {setup,update,remove,mirror,serve,package,clear} ...

Run commands on a QGIS plugin repository on the local filesystem

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  repository action to take... (see 'subcommand -h')

    setup               Set up an empty repository (all other commands do this
                        as an initial step)
    update              Update/add a plugin in a repository (by default, does
                        not remove any existing versions)
    remove              Remove ALL versions of a plugin from a repository
                        (unless otherwise constrained)
    mirror              Mirror an existing QGIS plugin repository
    serve               Test-serve a local QGIS plugin repository (NOT FOR
    package             Package a repository into a compressed archive
    clear               Clear all plugins, archives and icons from a

The setup subcommand

Sets up an empty repository (all other commands do this as an initial step). You may wish to do this to verify the serve command or any custom configurations.

Note: Repo names are default examples

$> ./plugins-xml.sh setup -h
usage: plugins-xml setup [-h] (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)

positional arguments:
  (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)
                        Actions apply to one of these output repositories
                        (must be defined in settings)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

The update subcommand

Main command for adding/updating a plugin in a repository. By default, it does not remove any existing versions, unless otherwise specified.

Note: Repo names are default examples

$> ./plugins-xml.sh update --help
usage: plugins-xml update [-h] [--auth] [--role role-a,...]
                          [--name-suffix SUFFIX] [--git-hash xxxxxxx]
                          [--remove-version (none | all | latest | oldest | #.#.#,...)]
                          [--keep-zip] [--untrusted] [--sort-xml]
                          (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)
                          (all | zip-name.zip)

positional arguments:
  (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)
                        Actions apply to one of these output repositories
                        (must be defined in settings)
  (all | zip-name.zip)  Name of ZIP archive, or all, in uploads directory to

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --auth                Download of stored archive needs authentication
  --role role-a,...     Specify role(s) needed to download a stored archive
                        (implies authentication)
  --name-suffix SUFFIX  Suffix to add to plugin's name (overrides suffix
                        defined in repo settings)
  --git-hash xxxxxxx    Short hash of associated git commit
  --invalid-fields      Do not strictly validate recommended metadata fields
  --remove-version (none | all | latest | oldest | #.#.#,...)
                        Remove existing plugin resources, for specific
                        version(s) (default: none)
  --keep-zip            Do not remove existing plugin ZIP archive(s) when
                        removing a plugin
  --untrusted           Plugin is untrusted (default: trusted)
  --sort-xml            Sort the plugins.xml repo index after updating/adding

The update command parses the 'uploads_dir' setting location to process either a single specified plugin .zip archive or all archives found there. It does not accept a .zip file path.

The command uses the plugin's metadata.txt (embedded in a plugin's ZIP archive) to add a new, or update an existing, plugin in the repo's plugins.xml file.

Note: the required fields in metadata.txt are validated by the updater script (unless otherwise skipped). Ensure your plugin's fields are correctly annotated. The one exception is email address, which is not required for a simple repository setup (since it would expose it via plain XML).

Because this is a simple plugins.xml-based QGIS plugin repository, with no user input tracking, the following items are not supported in QGIS's plugin manager interface (unless you are mirroring a repo that already has such data per plugin):

  • Rating
  • Rating votes
  • Number of downloads

Defining special plugin types

By default, there is no need to pre-package a plugin differently for uploading as a 'dev' or 'beta' version. This is one of the main advantages for using the plugins-xml.sh script, which will handle this for you.

You just need to define a --name-suffix command line or name_suffix custom repo setting, which triggers the following changes:

  • Adds suffix to name, e.g. using --name-suffix ' Dev'

    • plugin name My Plugin --> My Plugin DEV
  • Adds date/time stamp to version and ZIP archive

    • version 0.1.0 --> 0.1.0-201603112146
    • archive name plugin_name_0.1.0.zip --> plugin_name_0.1.0-201603112146.zip
    • (optionally) any --git-hash <myhash> short hash is appended
      • 0.1.0 --> 0.1.0-201603112146-<myhash>
      • plugin_name_0.1.0.zip --> plugin_name_0.1.0-201603112146-<myhash>.zip

These changes ensure:

  • New revisions with the same base version, e.g. 0.1.0, will always be considered as newer by QGIS's plugin manager.

  • Users browsing the plugin manager will easily see that the name and version indicate a special version, regardless of whether the plugin is installed via remote connection to the plugin repo or the user directly downloads a plugin archive and manually installs it.

  • Manually downloaded plugin archives from the plugin repo server can easily be referenced by their date/time stamped file name, as well as any optionally supplied git short hash.

NOTE: These changes are applied to the metadata.txt within the plugin's ZIP archive as well, so they are persistent even after the user has installed the plugin. No such changes are done for non-'name suffix' plugin repo updates.

Defining authentication constraints

Using the --auth flag allows the plugin's package to be stored in and served from a separate directory. This facilitates web server authentication configuration, e.g. SSL with HTTP Basic auth, which checks whether users are authenticated before downloading a plugin. The plugin is still listed in the plugins.xml listing file for the repository, and can be browsed in the plugin manager without needing authentication (unless you configure your server to also protect that file).

NOTE: When authentication is required, the plugin's metadata is adjusted to indicate authentication is required to download.

You can change the template for the message written, per repository type, e.g. dev, beta, etc., and simple HTML is supported, which as an example allows you to link to a subscription page.

The default text is:

This plugin is available with a subscription.

Authentication for a given plugin repository is handled in a user's plugin manager settings, where standard QGIS authentication system configurations are used (though not all authentication methods may be supported in the manager).

The --role option(s) helps maintain authorization roles, useful for checking the user's ability to actually download the plugin's archive once the plugin's role is validated against the user's permissions. Of course, this assumes some form of external validation already exists, e.g. OAuth, some auth API, etc., that is managed by your web server application.

For example, you can use the role as a cross-reference against the user to constrain what plugins they have authorization to download, e.g. user is part of a beta program or has a subscription for premium plugin versions in a "freemium" distribution model.

NOTE: using the role option, or auth with complicated authentication protocols, will require some form of logic handling server-side, e.g. a Flask app, to handle authorization of the user's request.


# Regular 'release' version of plugin added to repo

$> ./plugins-xml.sh update qgis test_plugin_1.zip
Updating plugins in 'qgis' |================================| 1/1

# Authenticated 'beta' version of plugin added to 'beta' repo with role

$> ./plugins-xml.sh update --auth --role 'beta-tester' --name-suffix ' \
   BETA' --git-hash xxxxxxx qgis-beta test_plugin.zip
Updating plugins in 'qgis-beta' |================================| 1/1

# Results in:
#   plugin XML appended to end of plugins.xml
#   plugin version in XML and metadata.txt: 0.1-201801080917-xxxxxxx
#   download archive name: test_plugin.0.1-201801080917-xxxxxxx.zip
#   archive placed in 'packages-auth' instead of 'packages'
#   <authorization_role>beta-tester</authorization_role> added to plugins.xml
#   no version of plugin removed (so previous betas remain avaliable)

# Add 'dev' version of plugin added to separate 'dev' repo
# (with overrides of repo settings and allowing incomplete metadata.txt)

$> ./plugins-xml.sh update --name-suffix ' DEV' --git-hash xxxxxxx \
   --invalid-fields --remove-version 'latest' qgis-dev test_plugin.zip
Updating plugins in 'qgis' |================================| 1/1

# Results in:
#   plugin XML appended to end of plugins.xml
#   plugin version in XML and metadata.txt: 0.1-201801080855-xxxxxxx
#   download archive name: test_plugin.0.1-201801080855-xxxxxxx.zip
#   most recent version of existing plugin removed (only latest dev version exists)

# Add a third-party plugin to your repo, but don't want to vouch for its 
# trustworthiness or metadata.txt

$> ./plugins-xml.sh update --untrusted --invalid-fields qgis test_plugin.zip
Updating plugins in 'qgis' |================================| 1/1

# Manual package-only mirroring of already-downloaded, trusted plugins
# (see also 'mirror' subcommand)

$> ./plugins-xml.sh update --remove-version 'none' --sort-xml qgis-mirror all

# Upload a plugin archive and run repo updater script on a remote server
# Note: `domain.local` is a reference to an SSH config alias
#       see http://www.openssh.com/manual.html

# Upload a test plugin archive to server (example paths):

$> scp uploads/test_plugin_1.zip domain.local:/opt/repo-updater/uploads/

# Run remote updater script on uploaded archive (example paths)

$> ssh domain.local "/opt/repo-updater/plugins-xml/scripts/plugins-xml.sh \
   update --remove-version 'latest' qgis-repo-name my_plugin.zip"

The remove subcommand

Removes ALL versions of a plugin from a repository (unless otherwise constrained).

Warning: If you are maintaining multiple versions of the same plugin in a single repo, e.g. for different versions of QGIS accessing the repo, you have to very careful not to unintentionally remove older versions. You can go to the plugins/plugins.xml served URL path in your Web browser, or browse QGIS's plugin manager, to help find the exact version you wish to remove.

Note: Repo names are default examples

$> ./plugins-xml.sh remove --help
usage: plugins-xml remove [-h] [--keep-zip] [--name-suffix SUFFIX]
                          (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)
                          plugin_name (all | latest | oldest | #.#.#,...)

positional arguments:
  (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)
                        Actions apply to one of these output repositories
                        (must be defined in settings)
  plugin_name           Name of plugin (NOT package) in repository
  (all | latest | oldest | #.#.#,...)
                        Remove existing plugin with specific version(s)
                        (default: latest)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --keep-zip            Do not remove plugin ZIP archive(s)
  --name-suffix SUFFIX  Suffix to add to plugin's name (overrides suffix
                        defined in repo settings)


# Remove all versions of a plugin from 'release' repo

$> ./plugins-xml.sh remove qgis "Test Plugin" all
Loading plugin tree from plugins.xml
Attempt to remove: Test Plugin
Removing 2 found 'Test Plugin' plugins...
Removing version 0.1 ...
  removing from plugins.xml
  removing icon: ./www/qgis/plugins/icons/test_plugin/0.1.png
  removing .zip: ./www/qgis/plugins/packages/test_plugin.0.1.zip
Removing version 0.2 ...
  removing from plugins.xml
  removing icon: ./www/qgis/plugins/icons/test_plugin/0.2.png
  removing .zip: ./www/qgis/plugins/packages/test_plugin.0.2.zip
Writing plugins.xml: ./www/qgis/plugins/plugins.xml

# Remove a 'dev' version plugin, accidentally added to the 'release' repo

$> ./plugins-xml.sh remove qgis "Test Plugin 3 DEV" "0.1-201801080855-xxxxxxx"
Loading plugin tree from plugins.xml
Attempt to remove: Test Plugin 2 DEV
Removing 1 found 'Test Plugin 2 DEV' plugins...
Removing version 0.1-201801080855-xxxxxxx ...
  removing from plugins.xml
  removing icon: ./www/qgis/plugins/icons/test_plugin_2/0.1-201801080855-xxxxxxx.png
  removing .zip: ./www/qgis/plugins/packages/test_plugin_2.0.1-201801080855-xxxxxxx.zip
Writing plugins.xml: ./www/qgis/plugins/plugins.xml

The mirror subcommand

Mirrors an existing locally or remotely served QGIS plugin repository.

Note: Repo names are default examples

$> ./plugins-xml.sh mirror -h
usage: plugins-xml mirror [-h] [--auth] [--role role-a,...]
                          [--name-suffix SUFFIX] [--validate-fields]
                          [--only-xmls] [--only-download] [--skip-download]
                          [--qgis-versions #.#[,#.#,...]]
                          (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)

positional arguments:
  (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)
                        Actions apply to one of these output repositories
                        (must be defined in settings)
                        plugins.xml URL of repository to be mirrored

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --auth                Download of stored archive needs authentication
  --role role-a,...     Specify role(s) needed to download a stored archive
                        (implies authentication)
  --name-suffix SUFFIX  Suffix to add to plugin's name (overrides suffix
                        defined in repo settings)
  --validate-fields     Strictly validate recommended metadata fields
  --only-xmls           Download all plugin.xml files for QGIS versions and
                        generate download listing
  --only-download       Download all plugin.xml files for QGIS versions, then
                        download all referenced plugins (implies --only-xmls).
                        Mostly for testing or when cautiously mirroring MANY
                        plugins, where the uploads directory is copied to a
                        backup afterwards.
  --skip-download       Skip downloading, as components are already
                        downloaded. Mostly for testing or when updating MANY
                        mirrored plugins MAY fail. The a backup of downloads
                        (from --only-download) are copied back into the
                        uploads directory and the merge.xml file is still
  --qgis-versions #.#[,#.#,...]
                        Comma-separated version(s) of QGIS, to filter request
                        results(define versions to avoid undefined endpoint
                        filtering behavior)

Mirroring does the following steps:

  • Downloads all .xml output for each specified QGIS version
  • Downloads any found plugins when parsing the combined .xml files
  • Loads the found plugins them into a new or existing repo after validating the .zip archives

Note: The command does not just copy the .zip archives to a repo and append the combined XML, but instead processes each downloaded plugin the same as running the update subcommand on it.

When mirroring very large repos, like plugins.qgis.org, it is prudent to break up the operation into two steps: downloading and processing. This allows multiple attempts at mirroring without having to re-download all the plugins. Errors in archive validation or manipulation (as is done to all archives when specifying a name-suffix) can occur. See examples below for command options to aid each step.


# Full mirroring of plugins.qgis.org to 'qgis-mirror' repo, but prudently
# start by only downloading .xml files (merging them) and .zip archives.

$> time ./plugins-xml.sh mirror --only-download  \
   --qgis-versions "3.4,3.8,3.10,3.12" \
   qgis-mirror http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugins.xml
Downloading/merging xml |================================| 6/6
Sorting merged plugins
Writing merged plugins to 'mirror-temp/merged.xml'
Downloading plugins |================================| 960/960
Downloads complete, exiting since --only-download specified

real    72m22.574s
user    0m56.382s
sys     0m19.886s

# You can now copy 'mirror-temp/merged.xml' and 'uploads' directory
# somewhere as a backup, to be used (copied back into place) if the next
# operation fails. If working with a fresh repo, consider using the 'clear' 
# subcommand to reset repo before retrying next step after an error occurred.

# Finish full mirroring of plugins.qgis.org; process downloaded plugins

$> ./plugins-xml.sh mirror --skip-download \
   qgis-mirror http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/plugins.xml
Adding plugins to 'qgis-mirror' |================================| 960/960
Sort plugins in 'qgis-mirror'
Updating 'qgis-mirror' plugins with mirrored repo data |================================| 960/960
Writing 'qgis-mirror' plugins.xml

Done mirroring...
Plugin results:
  attempted: 960
  mirrored: 960

The serve subcommand

Test-serves a local QGIS static-file plugin repository, with the ability to handle ?qgis=X.X version-constraining queries (as is requested by QGIS itself).

!! THIS IS NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE !! Only use this for testing purposes. For production, use a robust HTTP server, like Apache or Nginx, with WSGI support for the included Flask app that offers a means of handling ?qgis=X.X version-constraining queries. Such setups are outside the scope of this documentation.

Note: Repo names are default examples

$> ./plugins-xml.sh serve -h
usage: plugins-xml serve [-h] [--host hostname] [--port number] [--debug]
                        (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)

positional arguments:
 (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)
                       Actions apply to one of these output repositories
                       (must be defined in settings)

optional arguments:
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 --host hostname       Host name to serve under
 --port number         Port number to serve under
 --debug               Run test server in debug mode

When using default or customized settings with non-localhost host names, you will need to update your /etc/hosts file, for local previewing in your web browser, e.g.:

# QgisRepo qgis-repo.local dev.qgis-repo.local beta.qgis-repo.local mirror.qgis-repo.local


$> ./plugins-xml.sh serve qgis-mirror
* Running on http://mirror.qgis-repo.local:8008/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

# Go to http://mirror.qgis-repo.local:8008/plugins/plugins.xml in your
# web browser will show HTML rendering of the plugin repo.

# To replicate what your QGIS version will query:
#   http://mirror.qgis-repo.local:8008/plugins/plugins.xml?qgis=3.10

The package subcommand

Packages a repository into a compressed archive.

Note: Repo names are default examples

$> ./plugins-xml.sh package --help
usage: plugins-xml package [-h] (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)

positional arguments:
  (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)
                        Actions apply to one of these output repositories
                        (must be defined in settings)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


$> ./plugins-xml.sh package qgis
Gathering 'qgis' repo directory data
 23 items to archive
Archiving repo |================================| 23/23
Repo 'qgis' archived: ./packaged-repos/qgis-repo_2018-01-08_07-31-36.tar.gz

The clear subcommand

Clears all plugins, archives and icons from a repository, then sets up an empty repo with default (or custom-defined) settings.

Note: Repo names are default examples

$> ./plugins-xml.sh clear --help
usage: plugins-xml clear [-h] (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)

positional arguments:
  (qgis | qgis-beta | qgis-dev | qgis-mirror)
                        Actions apply to one of these output repositories
                        (must be defined in settings)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


# with debug output on

$> ./plugins-xml.sh clear qgis-dev
Removing any existing repo contents...
Setting up new repo...
Copying root HTML index file: ./www/qgis-dev/index.html
Copying root HTML favicon: ./www/qgis-dev/favicon.ico
Making web_plugins_dir: ./www/qgis-dev
Copying plugins HTML index file: ./www/qgis-dev/plugins/index.html
Copying plugins.xml from template: plugins.xml
Copying plugins.xsl from template: plugins-dev.xsl
Making packages_dir: ./www/qgis-dev/plugins/packages
Making packages_dir (for auth): ./www/qgis-dev/plugins/packages-auth
Making icons_dir: ./www/qgis-dev/plugins/icons
Copying default icon from template: default-dev.png