- 0
Descriptive body for errors
#185 opened by twiddler - 5
Better Documentation
#180 opened by PeytonHanel - 9
help: intsert data and get id
#137 opened by vatheara - 15
Numbers returned as strings
#175 opened by twiddler - 1
VT12001: unsupported: subqueries in DML when using delete() with where that filters on relation field
#178 opened by zbeyens - 0
CI for tagging and pushing releases
#177 opened by mattrobenolt - 2
Customising cast results in unexpected behaviour
#172 opened by OultimoCoder - 12
Bug with JSON columns on >=1.15.0
#171 opened by ryespresso - 2
UUIDs Get Returned Incorrectly
#169 opened by RedSpid3r - 4
Error: direct DDL is disabled. Shadow Databases not helping, Development Branches not helping
#158 opened by NLanese - 5
CF Hyperdrive support?
#170 opened by mostrecent - 11
- 6
INVISIBLE columns showing up with SELECT *
#146 opened by cdcarson - 0
Strongly type "type" property of Field
#141 opened by RhysSullivan - 0
- 2
- 4
- 5
Weird error with FKC
#156 opened by 205g0 - 6
- 1
Malformed interface Field
#148 opened by yutak23 - 2
json_object converts bigints to numbers
#152 opened by robinjonsson - 0
- 10
Inconsistent transactions with `Promise.all`
#139 opened by tomqchristensen - 2
- 10
Type error fetch failed
#142 opened by statusunknown418 - 2
Error handling
#103 opened by Allyedge - 3
- 6
- 8
Local Connection Fails
#104 opened by techgerm - 3
Doesn't work out of the box with cloudflair workers
#133 opened by i-Welch - 6
- 7
Locks aren't being released when an error is thrown inside a transaction!
#124 opened by OultimoCoder - 5
Doesn't work with Jest
#118 opened by Xexr - 9
Add support for CJS imports
#122 opened by miketromba - 2
WASM / Rust version
#107 opened by re-thc - 4
Add database url validator
#125 opened by Meierschlumpf - 3
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module
#100 opened by ethereumdegen - 2
multipleStatements support
#119 opened by nmajor - 1
what is the use of connect.refresh
#117 opened by shiyuhang0 - 1
How to close connection?
#114 opened by Ganesh1991 - 2
[Question] question about performance
#116 opened by shiyuhang0 - 1
- 1
Does this driver routes the traffic to replica sets, so I can use just ONE connection string, or do I have to implement this myself??
#112 opened by 205g0 - 1
PlanetScale migrate
#113 opened by gederer - 3
Getting ENOTFOUND from Docker image on
#111 opened by CanRau - 2
Parse Date, timezone problem because Z is removed
#108 opened by roelandm - 8
Why transactions don't work in this case
#106 opened by Itisfilipe - 2
Prisma integration ?
#105 opened by LilaRest - 13
Allow passing fetch config
#101 opened by cprussin - 6