
New as array/object option breaks Typescript

isaac-mcfadyen opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Hi! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I updated my Planetscale driver version today and Typescript started generating errors.

After a bit of investigation, it seems that Typescript is seeing that a row can now be an Array or an Object and defaulting to Array (so things like query.rows[0].row_name break, even when specifying as).

It seems to be this line. A row can either be an array or an object and array is preferred so it's underlined red.

type Row = Record<string, any> | any[]

I'm having the same issue when using strict type checking

It's questionable whether it's right to do so, but you can of course overwrite the definition of Row by adding a planet scale.d.ts file to the root of your project:

declare module '@planetscale/database' {
  export type Row = Record<string, any>

That might be what I end up going with.