
Wrong path to type definitions

ChristianSiegert opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, I’m using the @planetscale/database npm package in a TypeScript project (using Deno). It works but I had trouble getting the type definitions to work. package.json specifies dist/index.d.js as types file but this file does not exist. It should be dist/index.d.ts. Can you please fix the path in your package.json?

For the record, here is my PoC with working types:

// main.ts

// @deno-types="./node_modules/@planetscale/database/dist/index.d.ts"
import { connect } from "npm:@planetscale/database";

const connection = connect({
  host: "xx",
  password: "xx",
  username: "xx",

const start =;
const _result = await connection.execute("SELECT 1");
console.log(`Execute: ${ - start} ms`);

Then run deno run --allow-net --node-modules-dir main.ts


deno --version
deno 1.28.2 (release, aarch64-apple-darwin)
typescript 4.8.3

Sheesh Just spent 20 mins on this. Thank you for the temp fix

If you don't want to do the node flag, you can just import them from a cdn:

// @deno-types=""

I have a related problem, but don't know how to solve it.
This is my full issue description: codemonument/deno_audio_logbook#3

The Reason that my Constructor Config can't be found, is, that when I import kysely-planetscale via:

"kysely-planetscale": "",

its PlanetScaleDialect Config extends Config from

import { Config, Field } from '';

But this url has exactly the problem with the url you both describe.

The real problem

Now, I use kysely together with kysely-planetscale like this:

  const db: Kysely<DbSchema> = new Kysely<DbSchema>({
    dialect: new PlanetScaleDialect({
      host: secrets.get("DATABASE_HOST"),
      username: secrets.get("DATABASE_USERNAME"),
      password: secrets.get("DATABASE_PASSWORD"),

=> So, the wrong url is generated by, based on the wrong package.json, inside the kysely-planetscale package, where PlanetScaleDialect comes from.

How do I tell it to use these deno types like you specified them, @wesbos ?

Update: Idea 1 - using any

Not useful, but at least get's rid of the error:

 const db: Kysely<DbSchema> = new Kysely<DbSchema>({
    dialect: new PlanetScaleDialect({
      host: secrets.get("DATABASE_HOST"),
      username: secrets.get("DATABASE_USERNAME"),
      password: secrets.get("DATABASE_PASSWORD"),
    } as any),

Update: Idea 2 - vendoring kysely-planetscale (not tried)

I think, one might be able to fix this problem by vendoring kysely-planetscale and replacing the typing in the import.
But I would rather much avoid vendoring if possible, so I'll leave it with as any for now.

Added a PR for this absolutely tiny fix, hope this gets approved soon!

@mattrobenolt Thanks for closing this so quickly!
Can you tell me when the next patch release arrives on npm?

tbarn commented

@bjesuiter We are working on it now.

Edit: Just kidding, it is already up now.

Thank you, it works flawlessly! 😍