
A web client for Bark, which is a perfect app that allows you to push customed notifications to your iPhone.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


[Home Page](https://bark-web.plantree.me)

A web client for Bark, which is a perfect app that allows you to push customed notifications to your iPhone.

0. Background

Bark has a very simple push interface: just send a HTTP request.

As we all know, the easiest way to do this is by the Web.

1. API

Reference: https://github.com/Finb/bark-server/blob/master/docs/API_V2.md

Field Type Description
title (required) string Notification title (font size would be larger than the body)
body (required) string Notification content
category string Reserved field, no use yet
device_key string The key for each device
level (optional) string 'active', 'timeSensitive', or 'passive'
badge (optional) integer The number displayed next to App icon (Apple Developer)
automaticallyCopy (optional) string Must be 1
copy (optional) string The value to be copied
sound (optional) string Value from here
icon (optional) string An url to the icon, available only on iOS 15 or later
group (optional) string The group of the notification
isArchive (optional) string Value must be 1. Whether or not should be archived by the app
url (optional) string Url that will jump when click notification


$ curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'{
  "body": "Test Bark Server",
  "device_key": "ynJ5Ft4atkMkWeo2PAvFhF",
  "title": "bleem",
  "badge": 1,
  "category": "myNotificationCategory",
  "sound": "minuet.caf",
  "icon": "https://day.app/assets/images/avatar.jpg",
  "group": "test",
  "url": "https://mritd.com"

2. Technology Stack

  • FrontEnd
    • vue 3
    • vite
    • Tailwind CSS
    • axios
    • formKit
  • BackEnd
    • Vercel

3. Acknowledgements

  1. Developer of Bark, which provide service of notifications.
  2. Developer of GreenWall, which provide a elegant style.


  1. reconstruct because of commercial license
  2. features are the same as last version
2022.02.08 (v0.9.0)
  1. Support writing and sending notifications on the Web easily
  2. Support sending at a schedule time
  3. Support local cache to avoid data lost


  1. https://github.com/Finb/Bark
  2. https://github.com/Finb/bark-server
  3. https://github.com/Finb/bark-server/blob/master/docs/API_V2.md
  4. https://green-wall.vercel.app/
  5. https://formkit.com/