
A service about badge generator to count visitors of your site (based on Golang and Redis).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


0. Simple description

A service about badge generator to count visitors of your site (based on counter-service and shields.io).

1. How to use

1.1 register a namespace in counter-service to help manage your data

There is a simple management panel here: management-panel.

1.2 request visitor-badge
1.2.1 query parameters(almost the same with counter-service and shields.io)
parameter value
?namespace usually a domain name, like: plantree.me
?key usually a relative URL path, like: about.html
?label left text in the badge, default: visitors
?labelColor left color in the badge
?color right color in the badge
?style just like styles in shields.io

Styles examples:






1.2.2 different ways of using
  • The default badge:



  • Change a style:



  • Change colors:



2. Why do this

I am running a personal website, which is plantree.me, and I need a way to count the number of visitors.

Currently, there are some ready-made service to do this, just like: visitor-badge, HITS, etc. However, like I have post in counter, there is no clear decoupling of presentation service and data service. That's why I develop two separate services:

You can use them independently and they all have clear documentations and interfaces for ease of use.

3. Technology inside

3.1 stack
Component Implementation
runtime Vercel Serverless
dependency services counter-service & shieds.io
3.2 process
	Client->>VisitorBadgeService: request with parameters
	VisitorBadgeService->>CounterService: incr value
	CounterService->>VisitorBadgeService: get value
	VisitorBadgeService->>ShieldsService: generate badge
	ShieldsService->>Client: response
	Client->>Client: present

4. Changelogs

0.9.0 (2022-12-26)
  1. basic service is ready
  2. deploy to Vercel Serverless

5. Reference

  1. https://github.com/jwenjian/visitor-badge#readme
  2. https://github.com/dwyl/hits
  3. https://vercel.com/docs/concepts/functions/serverless-functions/runtimes/python
  4. https://github.com/vercel/examples/tree/main/python/flask
  5. https://shields.io/