
Graph Sampling using GPU

Primary LanguageCuda


NextDoor accelerating graph sampling using GPUs. NextDoor uses transit parallelism that improves memory access locality and decreases control flow divergence. More details can be found in our upcoming EuroSys'21 paper.

Code Structure

  • src directory contains the source of NextDoor. It contains following files and directories

    • apps contains following applications. These applications are provided with their Python bindings to integrate these applications in existing GNNs:
      • clusterGCNSampling ClusterGCN Sampling
      • fastgcn FastGCN Sampling
      • ladies LADIES Sampling
      • khop GraphSAGE 2-Hop application
      • multiRW Multi Dimension Random Walk
      • mvsSampling Minimum Variance Sampling
      • randomWalks DeepWalk, PPR, and node2vec random walks.
    • tests uses above applications as unit tests and provides a function to check results of these applications.
    • csr.hpp and graph.hpp contains data structures for graphs.
    • utils.hpp contains utility functions.
    • nextdoor.cu contains NextDoor kernels and execution logic.
    • libNextDoor.hpp header file that contains functions to integrate NextDoor's execution logic in an external program.
    • nextDoorModule.cu contains implementation of functions defined in libNextDoor.hpp that can be included in both Python 2 and Python 3 modules.
  • example directory builds Uniform Random Walk as an example application.

Graph Inputs

Graph Inputs used in the paper can be downloaded from the url: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19duY39ygWS3RAiqEetHUKdv-4mi_F7vj/view?usp=sharing. These graphs are obtained from snap.stanford.edu and each edge is assigned a random weight within [1, 5). Below commands download the dataset and then extract it to input folder.

sh ./downloadDatasets.sh
unzip input.zip

Building Example Sampling Application

example/uniformRandomWalk.cu shows how to develop a Uniform Random Walk application using NextDoor. First declare a sample class that can be used to store extra information. Then create an application struct that implements several functions required to execute a random walk. These functions are:

  • steps: returns the number of steps to travel from the starting vertices of a sample.
  • stepSize: returns the number of vertices to sample at every step.
  • next: returns the sampled vertex
  • samplingType: returns the kind of sampling, i.e., IndividualNeighborhood or CollectiveNeighborhood.
  • stepTransits: Transit vertex for given step.

Other functions that are needed to be defined includes:

  • initialSample: Initial transit of sample
  • numSamples: Number of samples
  • initialSampleSize: Number of initial transits
  • initializeSample: Initialize the sample struct

To build the application, run

cd example

To run the application on PPI graph in input directory (see Graph Inputs section to download graphs) using TransitParallel with Load Balancing execute following command.

./uniformRandWalk -g ../input/ppi.data -t edge-list -f binary -n 1 -k TransitParallel -l

Command Line Arguments are:

  • -g is path to graph,
  • -t is the type of storage of graph, which can be either a list of edges (edge-list) or adjacency list (adj-list),
  • -f is the format of storage, which can be either binary or text,
  • -n describes number of times to run it
  • -k describes the kind of kernel to use Transit Parallel or Sample Parallel
  • -l describes if load balancing, caching, and other optimizations must be applied on Transit Parallel. This argument is valid for Transit Parallel only.

Python 2 and 3 modules are also generated using make and can be used as follows. Both modules defines following functions.

  • initSampling(graph): It takes a path to graph that is stored in a binary edge-list format.
  • sample(): This will perform the sampling
  • finalSamples(): This will return the final samples in the form of a Python List.
  • finalSampleLength(): This will return the size of each sample.
  • finalSamplesArray(): This avoids building a list and gives a pointer to the final samples array of NextDoor. This pointer can then be converted to a numpy array.
$ python2
Python 2.7.17 (default, Sep 30 2020, 13:38:04)
[GCC 7.5.0] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import UniformRandomWalkPy2
>>> UniformRandomWalkPy2.initSampling("../input/ppi.data")
Graph Binary Loaded
Using GPUs: [0,]
Final Size of each sample: 100
Maximum Neighbors Sampled at each step: 1
Number of Samples: 56944
Maximum Threads Per Kernel: 57088
>>> UniformRandomWalkPy2.sample()
SampleParallel: End to end time 0.00748205 secs

Executing other applications

Similarly, other applications in src/apps folder can be used.


Existing sampling applications are used as benchmarks in the paper. Following instructions can be used to do Single GPU or Multi GPU benchmarking:

Single GPU Benchmarking

  • To do Single GPU benchmarking, first clone the repo:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/plasma-umass/NextDoor.git
unzip input.zip
  • Make single GPU google test
make all-singleGPU-tests
  • Now binaries for all applications are present in ./build/tests/singleGPU/. To execute one of them say 'khop' on all input graphs do:

MultiGPU Benchmarking

First follow all steps described in Single GPU Benchmarking section. Then follow these steps:

  • Make multi-gpu tests
make all-multiGPU-tests
  • Binaries for all applications are present in ./build/tests/multiGPU.
  • To execute an application on more than one GPU, set the environment variable CUDA_DEVICES with all GPU device ids. For example, to execute KHop on GPUs [0,1,3], run:
CUDA_DEVICES=0,1,3 ./build/tests/multiGPU/khop