
pybinding - vector<int> returned by value, how to return by reference?

eacousineau opened this issue · 0 comments


I've written a basic ecto cell:
I have it update the cell's input 'vector', which is a vector. However, whenever I call the 'inputs.vector', it always returns a new instance of ecto.VectorInt (in the repr(), you can see the address changing):

In [4]: test.inputs.vector
Out[4]: <ecto.ecto_main.VectorInt at 0x2338d50>

In [5]: test.inputs.vector
Out[5]: <ecto.ecto_main.VectorInt at 0x2338e50>

In [6]: test.inputs.vector
Out[6]: <ecto.ecto_main.VectorInt at 0x2338dd0>

In [7]: test.inputs.vector
Out[7]: <ecto.ecto_main.VectorInt at 0x2409950>

I can solve this by creating an instance of VectorInt (seen here), but is there a more elegant solution for this?
Is there a way to have the tendril pass the vector by reference instead?