Library for decoding VIN number
All data in this library has been taken from vin-decoder. vin-decode is heavily based on that library but it seems to be unfinished and not updated anymore.
There are no good libraries that can decode VIN and return even basic information (like brand and country)
I didn't find any. Did you? Let me know!
Feel free to make a pull request. All contributions are appreciated!
Install dependencies
npm i --save vin-decode
Get information from VIN
import vinDecoder from 'vin-decode';
vinDecoder('BADVINNUMBER'); // will return false (currently checks only the length of VIN)
vinDecoder('EXAMPLEVINNUMBER').split(); // will return object of codes from VIN
vinDecoder('EXAMPLEVINNUMBER').decode(); // will return object of codes from vin with manufacturer, country, year fields decoded