- 1
- 0
STSTM32 Arduino core now supports Nucleo_F439ZI, but JSON file needs updating to reflect it
#802 opened by pmantoine - 3
Compilation for blackpill_f411ce ends in error openr.c:(.text._open_r+0x10): undefined reference to `_open'
#801 opened by brightproject - 3
genericSTM32F417xx board support request for STM32F417IGTb or STM32F417IGT6
#791 opened by AlexandruVictorM - 1
Add support for the STM32U0
#798 opened by chintal - 1
Update to ArduinoCore-mbed 4.1.5
#789 opened by papakpmartin - 6
Posible error with dfu-util UPLOADERFLAGS "No DFU capable USB device available"
#794 opened by pmmarquez - 1
#796 opened by Amit5001 - 6
- 0
Update to Zephyr 3.7.0
#792 opened by HelligeChris - 2
Files deleted all of a sudden in \.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoststm32\variants\Generic_F103Vx
#795 opened by fkahhaleh - 4
- 0
Update to Core Version 2.8.1
#790 opened by ColdFireHunter - 1
Update to ArduinoCore-mbed 4.1.3
#777 opened by papakpmartin - 1
Corrupted config for the genericSTM32U585CIU6 board
#788 opened by Zer0-bit - 1
Request to update CubeMX framework for STM32G0
#766 opened by positron96 - 0
Feature Request for STM32L432KC
#787 opened by rpaverheijen - 2
elf has a LOAD segment with RWX permissions
#786 opened by martonpetroczki - 1
Support Arduino Framework for ST Nucleo H753ZI
#785 opened by derdiedasoli - 0
- 0
Update platformio/toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi to at least 1.90301.200702 for ARM support on Linux
#782 opened by bryce-happel-walton - 0
Zephyr support Arduino Giga R1 M7/M4
#780 opened by dansiviter - 1
Support for Arduino Giga R1 WiFi
#778 opened by kevinRauh - 10
After update the ststm32 to the newest, something was wrong about VECT_TAB_OFFSET?
#756 opened by KiraVerSace - 0
Support for STM32F303CBT6 Arduino framework
#779 opened by Zdenko-Stanec - 0
Suport for STM32F413VG
#776 opened by GM-90 - 3
STM32G030 board request
#754 opened by Levi--G - 2
JSON file for NUCLEO-F446ZE incorrect, not showing support for Arduino via STM32diuno core
#772 opened by pmantoine - 1
Add Support for Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi
#774 opened by LminusSucksAtCoding - 10
Compilation errors while using STM32Ethernet for genericSTM32F407VGT6 board
#771 opened by HareshPrajapati - 1
How can I add a new board to your repository?
#770 opened by Industrialli - 11
stm32f030 flash issues
#768 opened by Oliver0804 - 0
Could you support NUCLEO-C031C6
#769 opened by kplec - 0
- 0
- 0
- 10
STM32H5 Support?
#758 opened by samspencer5991 - 4
nucleo F411RE zephyr not supported
#761 opened by albmef - 11
There's a lot of variation in "extra_flags"
#759 opened by jcw - 4
Broken config for ST Nucleo L552ZE-Q? - can't create project with it, unknown board
#757 opened by CZdigger146 - 1
Feature request for support for Nucleo-H563ZI Boards
#755 opened by mariusdp - 0
- 0
Support for Nicla Voice Board
#751 opened by mighty-sparrow - 0
Enhanced bilnky does not Work
#749 opened by tobbad - 4
- 1
Add Board Support for Arduino Giga.
#743 opened by braydenanderson2014 - 0
Unable to flash NUCLEO_F303K8 when using SPI with version 15.0.0 or higher
#741 opened by alexandreviau303 - 0
STM32L412 with DFU
#739 opened by pius123434343 - 1
lora_e5_dev_board definition broken
#738 opened by maxgerhardt - 0
Add support for STM32F423VH
#736 opened by OrnellaBenzi