Data for Delaney logS in PMP format

The PMP format for Delaney logS set contains following information:

  • Smiles and Exp. logS for 1128 molecules
  • HF/6-31G* optimized structure
  • HF/6-31G* based RESP charge
  • Molecular ELectrostatic Solvation Energy and Atomic ELectrostatic Solvation Energy (MIBPB, RESP charge, mbondi radius)
  • Dipole and Quadrapole based on GDMA analysis (H radius at default 0.325)
  • Molecular Area/Volume (0.2 grid size, 1.4 probe radius)
  • Atomic Area

The exact features containing now:

Molecule Level

  • SMILES (s) : origin smiles from origin data
  • ExpLogS (f) : origin Experimental LogS value
  • MolVolume (f) : Molecular Volume
  • MolArea (f) : Molecular Surface Area
  • ElecSolvEng (f) : Electrostatic Solvation Energy based on MIBPB5
  • Dipole (f) : Molecular Dipole from GDMA result
  • Quadrupole (f) : Molecular Quadrupole from GDMA result
  • Area_* (f) : Surface Area of given element in molecule

Atom Level

  • AtomArea (10f) : Atomic surface area
  • AtomSolEng (10f) : Atomic Solvation Energy
  • Dipole (10f) : Atomic dipole
  • Quadrupole (10f) : Atomic quadrupole
  • resp (10f) : RESP atomic charge
  • mbondi (10f) : MBONDI atomic radiis
  • AT_gaff (6s) : Atom type based on GAFF definition
  • AT_sybyl (6s) : Atom type based on SYBYL definition


import PMPformat as PMP

Read file as molecule

  • Open PMP molecule file
pmpf = PMP.PMPFormator(pmpfile="Data/Delaney_1.pmp")
  • Get the molecule.

You can replace "MolFromSmiles" to this function to load molecule.

mol = pmpf.GetMol()

Get molecular or atomic features

  • Get All Properties/Features on the Molecular Level
mol_prop = mol.GetPropsAsDict()
print mol_prop
  • Get a certain feature by name.

Recommend use the ExpLogS/MoleArea/Volume/ElecSolvEng/Dipole and so on.
I don't recommend to use element based area, such as Area_F, Area_S et al. But you can also try.


An alternative method is to use GetProp, GetIntProp or GetDoubleProp methods to obtain properties when you exactly know the data type for the proporty.

mol_area = mol.GetDoubleProp('MolArea')
  • Get Property/Feature on the Atom Level

The atom type AT_gaff, AT_sybyl somehow can be represented by NGF and it's string based data. If you want to use it, you can use int value to represent it.

atom0 = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(0)
atom_prop = atom0.GetPropsAsDict()
print atom_prop


## or using exactly method

features = [
    atom0.GetProps('AT_gaff'), atom0.GetDoubleProps('AtomArea')