
GoGoXi SAP PO message and audit log extraction for ELK

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


GoGoXi SAP PO message and audit log extraction for ELK


This tool allows for extraction of XI messages and audit log entries from Adapter Framework of SAP Process Orcherstration using HTTP API calls only. All messages which fall into specified Period (DAILY, MONTHLY or YEARLY) will be extracted, if these messages are still persisted, Only XI headers, UDS attributes and audit log entries are exported, message payload is not requested. Resulting exports are saved in specified local file system folder. Export files should be used for import to ELK stack for processing (link will be published later).

Tool should be compatible with SAP Netweaver 7.35 or older, tested with SAP Netweaver 7.50.

Overall tool architecture and ELK usage scenario is describled in SAP Blogs article.

Configuration file format

Configuration file is represented in JSON file format. Multiple SAP PO instances may be maintained in one configuration file as an array. Each entry will be processed one after another from top to bottom.

Minimal configuration file is presented below:

    "Period": "MONTHLY",
    "Component": "af.poq.sappoq",
    "Hostname": "https://poq.local.network:50001",
    "Password": "EgiEdPVD1tuvMf40Yvne",
    "Username": "USERNAME"
Parameter Type Default Comment
Period string DAILY Extraction period, can be set among SAP PO standard values: DAILY, MONTHLY, YEARLY
Component string --- AF Component name as displayed in SAP PO
Hostname string --- Hostname must be specified complete with schema (http:// or https://) and port number
Username string --- Username to use for authentication
Password string --- Password to use for authentication
UseCompression bool false Enables generating result files with GZIP compression applied (filenames will be adapted to *.txt.gz if enabled)
OutputPath string /gogoxi Specifies target directory to output result files
MaxMessagesPerSearch int 10000 Maximum number of messages to search using AdapterMessageMonitoringVi service. No need to change in production runs.
MaxAuditlinesPerSearch int 10000 Maximum number of audit messages to get using AdapterMessageMonitoringVi service per message ID. No need to change in production runs.
SkipUDS bool false User-Defined Search attributes will not be requested from SAP PO. This will skip 1 request per message.
Queuesizes / MessageSearch int 500 Internal buffer size. Stores overview lines for later search.
Queuesizes / UDSearchAttributes int 100000 Internal buffer size. Stores messages to augment with User-Defined Search attributes.
Queuesizes / Auditlog int 100000 Internal buffer size. Stores messages to extract audit log entries.
Queuesizes / FileWriters int 1000 Internal buffer size. Stores lines for file output to disk.
ParallelCount / MessageSearcher int 2 Defines number of parallel threads to search messages based on Overview data.
ParallelCount / UDSearchAttributes int 5 Defines number of parallel threads to augment messages with UDS attributes.
ParallelCount / AuditlogReader int 5 Defines number of parallel threads to read audit log entries.

Output directory structure

If compression is not enabled:

<OUTPUT DIRECTORY> /					 		<-- matches "OutputFolder" configuration
	<ADAPTER FRAMEWORK COMPONENT> /      		<-- matches "Component" configuration
		ximessage.<PERIOD>.<CURRENT DATE>.txt   <-- newline delimited JSON file, one line corresponds to XI message header augmented by UDS attributes
		auditlog.<PERIOD>.<CURRENT DATE>.txt    <-- newline delimited JSON file, one line corresponds to audit log message augmented with XI message header and UDS attributes

If compression is enabled, filenames will be *.txt.gz

Runtime options

Usage of gogoxi_exporter.exe:
        Validate config file only [no run]. Shows full configuration file with defaults applied
  -config string
        Path to configuration file in JSON format (default "./config.json")
        Disable audit log message trimming to 4K bytes	        
        Overwrite export if it exists
        Print verbose messages during processing

Tool will prevent accidental output file overwrite. This allows for continuation if one config entry fails (for example, in case of incorrect or expired password).

File format (ximessage)

File format is newline-delimited JSON. Each line represents one XI message in following structure (example):

    "ximessage": {
        "cancelable": false,
        "connectionName": "SOAP_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System",
        "direction": "OUTBOUND",
        "editable": false,
        "endTime": "2023-11-08T11:09:13.377+03:00",
        "endpoint": "<local>",
        "headers": {
            "original": "content-length=5450\nhttp=POST\ncontent-type=multipart/related; boundary=SAP_11271d92-7e0e-11ee-9105-00000c9d89ea_END; type=\"text/xml\"; start=\"<soap-E1F49308B5D91EEE9FC1C22063DFC044@sap.com>\"\n",
            "contentLength": 5450
        "interface": {
            "name": "PurchaseRequest_Out",
            "namespace": "urn:company:Purchase"
        "isPersistent": true,
        "messageID": "e1f49308-b5d9-1eee-9fc1-c22063df6044",
        "messageKey": "e1f49308-b5d9-1eee-9fc1-c22063df6044\\OUTBOUND\\878415850\\EO\\0\\",
        "messageType": "Send",
        "nodeId": "878415850",
        "persistUntil": "2024-05-06T11:08:57.744+03:00",
        "protocol": "XI",
        "qualityOfService": "EO",
        "receiverName": "EXTERNAL_p",
        "receiverParty": {
            "agency": "http://sap.com/xi/XI",
            "name": "",
            "schema": "XIParty"
        "referenceID": "",
        "restartable": false,
        "retries": 10,
        "retryInterval": 300,
        "scheduleTime": "2023-11-08T11:08:57.748+03:00",
        "senderName": "ERP_S4HANA_P",
        "senderParty": {
            "agency": "http://sap.com/xi/XI",
            "name": "",
            "schema": "XIParty"
        "sequenceNumber": 0,
        "serializationContext": "",
        "serviceDefinition": "",
        "softwareComponent": "",
        "startTime": "2023-11-08T11:08:57.744+03:00",
        "status": "success",
        "timesFailed": 0,
        "transport": "Loopback",
        "version": "0",
        "wasEdited": false,
        "scenarioIdentifier": "dir://ICO/f10d5af248d83dbe9ac62b827e8e223a",
        "parentID": "",
        "duration": 15.633,
        "size": 5450,
        "messagePriority": 1,
        "rootID": "",
        "sequenceID": "",
        "passportTID": "e78c57187e0d11eeb07100000c9d89ea",
        "logLocations": [
            "Receiver JSON Request",
        "UDS": {
            "RequestNumber": [
        "UDSKeys": [
    "gogoxi": {
        "component": "af.pop.sappop",
        "extractedOn": "2023-11-08T12:02:25.7824767+03:00"

Full JSON structure is described in export_format.go. Notable remarks:

  1. "ximessage.nodeId" is String
  2. "ximessage.duration" is recalculated in seconds, originally in milliseconds
  3. "ximessage.retryInterval" is recalculated in seconds, originally in milliseconds
  4. "ximessage.persistUntil" is cleared when originally is equal to 1970-01-01
  5. "ximessage.UDS" lists user-defined search attributes as object with UDS attribute name as object key and array of values as object value. UDS attribute values are always represented as arrays even if contains only one value.
  6. "ximessage.UDSKeys" lists all available UDS attribute names as array

File format (auditlog)

File format is newline-delimited JSON. Each line represents one auditlog entry in following structure (example):

    "ximessage": {
        "cancelable": false,
        "connectionName": "SOAP_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System",
        "direction": "OUTBOUND",
        "editable": false,
        "endTime": "2023-11-08T11:09:13.377+03:00",
        "endpoint": "<local>",
        "headers": {
            "original": "content-length=5450\nhttp=POST\ncontent-type=multipart/related; boundary=SAP_11271d92-7e0e-11ee-9105-00000c9d89ea_END; type=\"text/xml\"; start=\"<soap-E1F49308B5D91EEE9FC1C22063DFC044@sap.com>\"\n",
            "contentLength": 5450
        "interface": {
            "name": "PurchaseRequest_Out",
            "namespace": "urn:company:Purchase"
        "isPersistent": true,
        "messageID": "e1f49308-b5d9-1eee-9fc1-c22063df6044",
        "messageKey": "e1f49308-b5d9-1eee-9fc1-c22063df6044\\OUTBOUND\\878415850\\EO\\0\\",
        "messageType": "Send",
        "nodeId": "878415850",
        "persistUntil": "2024-05-06T11:08:57.744+03:00",
        "protocol": "XI",
        "qualityOfService": "EO",
        "receiverName": "EXTERNAL_p",
        "receiverParty": {
            "agency": "http://sap.com/xi/XI",
            "name": "",
            "schema": "XIParty"
        "referenceID": "",
        "restartable": false,
        "retries": 10,
        "retryInterval": 300,
        "scheduleTime": "2023-11-08T11:08:57.748+03:00",
        "senderName": "ERP_S4HANA_P",
        "senderParty": {
            "agency": "http://sap.com/xi/XI",
            "name": "",
            "schema": "XIParty"
        "sequenceNumber": 0,
        "serializationContext": "",
        "serviceDefinition": "",
        "softwareComponent": "",
        "startTime": "2023-11-08T11:08:57.744+03:00",
        "status": "success",
        "timesFailed": 0,
        "transport": "Loopback",
        "version": "0",
        "wasEdited": false,
        "scenarioIdentifier": "dir://ICO/f10d5af248d83dbe9ac62b827e8e223a",
        "parentID": "",
        "duration": 15.633,
        "size": 5450,
        "messagePriority": 1,
        "rootID": "",
        "sequenceID": "",
        "passportTID": "e78c57187e0d11eeb07100000c9d89ea",
        "logLocations": [
            "Receiver JSON Request",
        "UDS": {
            "RequestNumber": [
        "UDSKeys": [
    "auditlog": {
        "messageID": "e1f49308-b5d9-1eee-9fc1-c22063df6044",
        "timestamp": "2023-11-08T11:09:35.869+03:00",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "localizedText": "Message status set to DLNG",
        "textKey": "STATUS_SET_SUCCESS",
        "textKeyParams": {
            "0": "DLNG"
    "gogoxi": {
        "component": "af.pop.sappop",
        "extractedOn": "2023-11-08T12:02:25.7824767+03:00"

Full JSON structure is described in export_format.go. Notable remarks:

  1. "ximessage" object is identical to XI message export format so all the remarks listed for ximessage file format apply here
  2. "gogoxi" object is identical to XI message export format
  3. "auditlog.messageID" refers to XI message ID and is identical to "ximessage.messageID"
  4. "auditlog.status" is decoded from one letter code to full word
  • W -> WARNING
  • E -> ERROR
  • S -> SUCCESS
  1. "auditlog.localizedText", "auditlog.textKey", "auditlog.textKeyParams" are cut to 4096 characters unless "-notrim" runtime option is applied.
  2. "auditlog.textCutFrom" attribute shows sum of original length in characters of attributes "auditlog.localizedText", "auditlog.textKey", "auditlog.textKeyParams". If none of these attributes are modified (cut in length) then "auditlog.textCutFrom" is missing
  3. "auditlog.textKey" is cleared if it is equal to "auditlog.localizedText"