Community python module for SmsHub API
- Python typing
- Understandable docstrings
- Asynchronous way available
- Easy to use
pip install ./
from smshub_py import SmsActivation
a = SmsActivation('YOUR_API_KEY', 'SERVICE_CODE')
print(f"Phone number is +{}")
# ...
# Do something to send code by SMS
# ...
print(f"Code is {a.code}")
# Receive another SMS if expected
print(f"Code is {a.code}")
# ...
# Use this code as you want
# ...
# Finish activation if all is OK
from smshub_py import SmsHubWrapper
w = SmsHubWrapper('YOUR_API_KEY')
print(f"Balance is {w.get_balance()}")
print(w.get_prices()) # Get all prices
from smshub_py.asyncio import AsyncSmsActivation
import asyncio
async def main():
with AsyncSmsActivation('YOUR_API_KEY', 'SERVICE_CODE') as a:
print(f"Phone number is +{}")
# ...
# Do something to send code by SMS
# ...
await a.sms_sent()
await a.wait_for_sms()
print(f"Code is {a.code}")
# Receive another SMS if expected
await a.retry()
await a.wait_for_sms()
print(f"Code is {a.code}")
# ...
# Use this code as you want
# ...
# Finish activation if all is OK
await a.finish()
from smshub_py.asyncio import AsyncSmsHubWrapper
import asyncio
async def main():
async with AsyncSmsHubWrapper('YOUR_API_KEY') as w:
print(f"Balance is {await w.get_balance()}")
print(await w.get_prices()) # Get all prices
from smshub_py.utils import find_min_prices, country_to_id, id_to_country
# Minimal 100 prices of specified service
find_min_prices(wrapper, 'SERVICE_CODE', count=100)
# Convert Alpha-2 country code to SmsHub Country ID
country_to_id('US') # -> 12
# And back
id_to_country(12) # -> 'US'