Get started

  1. Install a JDK (>=8)
  2. Install Maven
  3. Get a good Java IDE (we recommend IntelliJ)
  4. Open Project in IDE
  5. Start project
  6. Have fun :-)

The currently implemented endpoints are on

  • localhost:8080/teams
  • localhost:8080/teams/{id} (replace {id} with any number)
  • localhost:8080/teams/ping



Create all your data models here.


Every data model should have its own service. Usually there is a getSingle, and a getAll method.


The resources are the representation of the actual REST API. Every resource has its own endpoint (i.e. /teams). The endpoint should always be in plural. It usually provides a getAll on its root (/), and a getDetail with a path parameter (/{id})


This is only a prototype. To have real fun, the following things should / could be done.

  1. Database layer
  2. Swagger