
A little project to showcase some of the nice features of Grails and its eco-system.

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A little project to showcase some of the nice features of Grails and its eco-system.

Scaffolding Example: AdController

Go to http://localhost:8080/grails-showcase/ad to checkout a scaffolded view of the Ad domain. You can list, create, edit and delete entities from here. Try to create a new ad and note how the different properties of the Ad are mapped to proper form input fields, like date picker or numeric fields. There's inline validation with internationalized error messages. Associations, to Make in this case, are nicely pre-populated into drop-down select fields.

Dependency Injection Example: HelloService

Dependency Injection works by convention as well. No XML config, no annotations necessary. Have a look at HelloController. The HelloService is injected automatically via auto-wiring by name.

View Rendering Example: HelloController.service()

If your controller method just returns a model, Grails looks for a template matching the controller method name. In the example it will find the service.gsp in views/hello and render with the model returned by the controller method.

RESTful Resource Example: Make

The Make domain is annotated with @Resource which automatically provides RESTful operations for makes. Run grails url-mapping-report to get an overview of the provided REST actions. Go to following URLs to checkout different format support:

Spock Testing Example: HelloControllerSpec

Grails comes with Spock as a testing framework. Checkout HelloControllerSpec to see how nicely Spock tests can read.

Meta-Programming Example: AdIntegrationSpec powered by build-test-data plugin

The build-test-data plugin extends your domain objects with a build() method in integration tests that populates all mandatory fields and even mandatory association graphs. This is done via Groovy's meta-programming model. In the example test the Ad.build() will automatically populate the non-nullable make property with a proper Make object.

Asynchronous Programming Example: AsyncController

Since Grails 2.3 there is support for asynchronous programming. Have a look at AsyncController to get an idea of it works.