COMPILING ========= javac net/pakl/levy/*java RUNNING ======= The following command executed a simulation that learns a sequence specified by a settings file called "levy.prop" in the current directory. java net.pakl.levy.SimulationLearning SETTINGS ========= For the paper "A Neural Network Mechanism for Reward Discounting: Insights from Modeling Hippocampal-Striatal Interactions", the levy.prop settings file is: n = 4096 a = 0.075 trainingTrials = 120 earlyTrialToSave = 10 connectionProbability = 0.08 isCompetitive = true synmodrate = 0.01 preserveParameter = 0.8 spacing = 100 patternSize = 100 pExternalOffNoise = 0.3 stutter = 5 sequenceLength = 20 Other example settings files with non-competitive (non-kWTA) networks use include: // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // EXAMPLE levy.prop 1 // SIMPLE SEQUENCE, 1 PATTERN PER TIMESTEP, OVERLAPPING // ------------------------------------------------------------------ //n = 1024 //a = 0.10 //Kr = 0.050 //Ki = 0.046 //K0 = 0.0 //w0 = 0.40 //synmodrate = 0.005 //preserveParameter = 0 //spacing = 3 //patternSize = 20 //stutter = 1 //sequenceLength = 20 // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // EXAMPLE levy.prop 2 // STUTTERED PATTERNS with NO OVERLAP // ------------------------------------------------------------------ //n = 1024 //a = 0.10 //Kr = 0.050 //Ki = 0.046 //K0 = 0.0 //w0 = 0.40 //synmodrate = 0.005 //preserveParameter = 0.5 //spacing = 20 //patternSize = 20 //stutter = 2 //sequenceLength = 10 // ------------------------------------------------------------------ RUNNING A COMPLETE SET OF SIMULATIONS FOR ANALYSIS ================================================== For the paper, 50 random simulations with the same settings were run. To do this, place the levy.prop file in a directory called ./SOURCE/ and then, with the compiled java files on your CLASSPATH, execute the following perl script with | sh (for example, ./ | sh). #!/usr/bin/perl $alpha = "alpha0.8"; $numSimsInParallel = 10; for ($i = 1; $i <= 50; $i++) { $j = $i; if ($j < 10) { $j = "0".$j; } print " mkdir $alpha"."_".$j."\n"; print " cp SOURCE/levy.prop $alpha"."_".$j."\n"; print " cd $alpha"."_".$j."\n"; print " java net.pakl.levy.SimulationLearning &\n"; print " cd ..\n"; if ($i > 0 && $i % $numSimsInParallel == 0) { print "wait\n"; } } R CODE FOR GENERATING PLOTS ============================ library("lsa"); library("fields"); # for image.plot <- function(x, y, upper, lower=upper, length=0.1,...){ if(length(x) != length(y) | length(y) !=length(lower) | length(lower) != length(upper)) stop("vectors must be same length") arrows(x,y+upper, x, y-lower, angle=90, code=3,length=length,...) } coscomp <- function(M, N) { timesteps <- dim(M)[2]; result <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=timesteps, ncol=timesteps); for (i in 1:timesteps) { a <- M[,i]; alen <- sqrt(a %*% a); for (j in 1:timesteps) { b <- N[,j]; blen <- sqrt(b %*% b); cosdiff <- (a %*% b) / (alen * blen); result[i,j] = cosdiff; } } result } S <- 50; # number of simulations (alpha0.8_01/*, alpha_0.8_02/*, etc) T <- 100; # number of time-steps per trial N <- 4096; # number of neurons TSTART = 25; # time-step from which to measure predictive similarity TEND = 75; # final time-step simsum <- c(); simrow <- c(); for (s in 1:S) { prefix <- if (s < 10) "0" else ""; filename <- paste("alpha0.8_", prefix, s, "/finaltrain.txt", sep="") print(filename) firings <- t(matrix(scan(filename, n=N*T), T, N, byrow=TRUE)) sim <- cosine(firings); # uses library "lsa", OR use sim <- coscomp(firings,firings) simrow <- rbind(simrow, sim[TSTART, TSTART:TEND]) simsum <- if (length(simsum) == 0) sim else simsum+sim; } simmean <- simsum / S; png('similarity.png', width=1000,height=900); par(ps=30); image.plot(simmean, col=gray(seq(255,1)*1/255), axes=FALSE) axis(1, axTicks(1), lab=round(seq(0,100,20))) axis(2, axTicks(2), lab=round(seq(0,100,20))) box();; simrowmean <- apply(simrow,2,mean) simrowstd <- apply(simrow,2,sd) pdf('curve.pdf'); par(ps=18); plot(seq(1,1+TEND-TSTART), simrowmean, type='l', xlab='Time-steps', ylab='Cosine Similarity', ylim=c(0,1), axes=FALSE, lwd=3) axis(1, axTicks(1), lab=round(seq(TSTART,TEND,10))) axis(2, seq(0,1,0.25), lab=seq(0,1,0.25)),1+TEND-TSTART), simrowmean, simrowstd/sqrt(S)) box(); R CODE FOR FITTING (EXPONENTIAL AND HYPERBOLIC) =============================================== quartz(); # make a new window on OS X x<-seq(1,51); y<-simrowmean; par(new = F); plot(x, y, xlab='Time-steps', ylab='Cosine Similarity', ylim=c(0,1), axes=FALSE); par(new = T); axis(1, axTicks(1), lab=round(seq(25,75,10))) axis(2, seq(0,1,0.25), lab=seq(0,1,0.25)) box() fn <- function(p) sum (( y - (1/(1+p[1]*x)))^2); out <- nlm(fn, p=c(0.4), hessian=TRUE); yfit <- 1/(1+out$estimate[1]*x); sse = sum((yfit-y)*(yfit-y)) sst = sum((y-mean(y)) * (y-mean(y))) RsquaredH = 1-(sse/sst) RsquaredHADJ = 1 - (1-RsquaredH) * (S-1) / (S-1-1) sse_hyperbolic <- sqrt(diag(2*out$minimum/(length(y)-2)*solve(out$hessian))); lines(spline(x, yfit), ylim=c(0,1), col=3, lwd=3); f_hyperbolic <- paste('1/1+', toString(out$estimate[1]),'x', sep=""); fn <- function(p) sum (( y - (1/(exp(p[1]*x))))^2); out <- nlm(fn, p=c(0.4), hessian=TRUE); yfit <- 1/(exp(out$estimate[1]*x)); sse_exponential <- sqrt(diag(2*out$minimum/(length(y)-2)*solve(out$hessian))); sse = sum((yfit-y)*(yfit-y)) sst = sum((y-mean(y)) * (y-mean(y))) RsquaredE = 1-(sse/sst) RsquaredEADJ = 1 - (1-RsquaredE) * (S-1) / (S-1-1) lines(spline(x, yfit), ylim=c(0,1), col=4, lwd=3); f_exponential <- paste('1/exp(', toString(out$estimate[1]),'x)', sep=""); legendText <- c(paste('exponential (r^2=', round(RsquaredEADJ, digits=3), ')', sep=""), paste('hyperbolic (r^2=', round(RsquaredHADJ, digits=3),')', sep="")); legend("topright", legendText, lty=c(1,1), col=c(4,3), lwd=c(3,3))