
Web-based, mobile-first Cards Against Humanity game.

Team Members

  • Cassidy Clawson (lead)
  • Chandler Smith
  • Ian Bui
  • Patrick Lauer
  • Brooks Roley

MVP For Monday Scope

Rails API with functioning game logic, serving data via JSON to a standalone JavaScript client. MVP client will be bare minimum JS to accomplish console-based play of the game for proof of concept.

  • One persistant game with unlimited play rounds.
  • 4 hardcoded users with name and score attributes.
  • Real card data.

User Stories

  • As a user, I want to recieve a "hand" of white cards (10) on game initiation because I need funny white cards to consider.
  • As a user, I want one user to serve as a "round leader" in each round.
  • As a user, if I am not round leader, I want to be a "player" in the round.
  • As a round leader, I want to be served a "black card" in a round.
  • As a round player, I want to compare my hand against the leader's black card and select one card for consideration by the round leader.
  • As a user, I want access to a game state screen at any time. Game state screen provides information on the current round, including user scores, who is a leader and who is a player, and who has and hasn't chosen cards for the round.
  • As a user, I want the round to conclude after the round leader selects his or her favorite user card.
  • As a user, I want to see a round recap screen which includes all submitted cards.
  • As a user, I want a new round to begin automatically.

Planning Area

Planning board located at the corner of Meadow and Phase 3 work area, adjacent to the large couch.