
What does this script do ?

  • Create a folder for working on your CTF

  • Create info.txt (an empty file for writing all the stuff that you will need during the CTF)

  • Launch an OpenVPN on a new window with your file.opvpn (You need to modify the filename on the script)

  • Create two new tab on your terminal

  • Do four different nmap scan on your target

  • Put the results of the scans in differents files on a folder (Nmap_scans)

  • Do two gobuster dir (one with the dirb/common.txt wordlist and the other with dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt wordlist)

  • Put the results of the dir scans in differents files on a folder (Gobuster)

You need to have "xdotool" installed. If not :

sudo apt-get install xdotool