title | revealOptions | ||
FCIP - Elm |
Daniel Walker, November, 2016
for Fort Collins Internet Professionals
- watch video here -
Note: our programs consist of a combination of state and behavior
- All the information pertaining to your program at a given instant in time.
How state is displayed and changed over time ...logic
Changes made to the external world ...side effects
Note: The way that state, logic, and side-effects are managed in web applications has evolved significantly during my time as a developer.
Note: it becomes different as you interact with it
Note: it becomes different as you interact with it
Note: historically the answer has been: all over the place.
Note: most of use are not writing tools, we're using them
Note: in the early days, we relied on the DOM
<th id="tHead" data-format-string="Do MMMM YYYY">
<td id="dCell" data-value="975683133000"><!-- 1st December 2000 --></td>
<th id="tHead" data-format-string="Do MMMM YYYY">
<td id="dCell" data-value="975683133000"><!-- 1st December 2000 --></td>
var dateFormat = document.getElementById('tHead');
var dateCell = document.getElementById('dCell');
dateFormat.dataset.formatString // "Do MMMM YYYY"
dateCell.dataset.indexNumber // "975683133000"
// format the date
dateCell.innerHTML = formattedDate;
- jQuery
- Scriptaculous
- Prototype
- Mootools
- etc...
Note: so we invented tools to help with DOM work and carried on.
Note: Checked, not checked, Visible, not visible, Expanded, not expanded
Note: you have to fix it anyway. You're the developer.
Note: you spend a lot of time just getting to the point when you're ready to make a change.
- Same state is in two different places?
- More than one thing can change this?
Note: We've all seen those projects that are a bug-prone mess
Note: ain't nobody got time for that!
Note: and that's how monstrous weeds grow.
- Models
- Templates
- Event bus
- Two way data-binding
Note: wasteful, but easy to reason about
- scrap the previous version
- create a new one - almost identical
- but it has this one change
- initialized with properties
- own and manage their own state
- can be nested inside each other
- render DOM elements
...of the DOM
Virtual DOM is an
Works on your behalf...
- queue and batch update render "requests"
- minimize DOM mutation
- output cross-platform HTML
- Still spread out
- Sometimes duplicated
- Immutable.JS
- SeamlessImmutable
- ...
// It used to be an array...
var inventory = [
{name: "Gloves", quantity: 3},
{name: "Valves", quantity: 7}
// But now it's an object...
var inventory = {
assignedTo: "WAREHOUSE 1",
items: [
{name: "Gloves", quantity: 3},
{name: "Valves", quantity: 7}
render() {
if (this.props.inventory.length) {
return (
this.props.inventory.map(x => {
return <InventoryItem item={x}/> });
} else {
return "There are no inventory items.";
propTypes: {
inventory: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
render() {
if (this.props.inventory.items.length) {
return (
this.props.inventory.map(x => {
return <InventoryItem item={x}/>
} else {
return "There are no inventory items.";
💥 Early JS | Recent JS |
Mutating the DOM manually | Virtual DOM |
State was spread out | Now it's centralized |
Multi-directional data flow | Uni-directional data flow |
Mutable shared state | Immutable shared state |
Silent type errors | Type checking UI props |
> "hello"
"hello" : String
> "hello" ++ "world"
"helloworld" : String
> "hello" ++ " world"
"hello world" : String
> 2 + 3 * 4
14 : Int
> (2 + 3) * 4
20 : Int
> 9 / 2
4.5 : Float
-- Integer division
> 9 // 2
4 : Int
> if True then
"hello" : String
> if False then
"world" : String
All of Elm is immutable.
> 1 == 2
False : Bool
> "banana" == "banana"
True : Bool
Everything's a value (no ===
> 1 == "1"
-- TYPE MISMATCH --------------------------------------------- repl-temp-000.elm
The right argument of (==) is causing a type mismatch.
3| 1 == "1"
(==) is expecting the right argument to be a:
But the right argument is:
Lists hold values of the same type.
> names = [ "Alice", "Bob", "Eve" ]
> List.isEmpty names
> List.length names
> List.reverse names
> double n = n * 2
> List.map double [1,2,3,4]
> point =
{ x = 3
, y = 4
> point.x
> bill =
{ name = "Gates"
, age = 57
> bill.name
is a function that gets the name field of the record.
> .name bill
> List.map .name [bill,bill,bill]
A tuple holds a fixed number of values
import String
validateName name =
if String.length name <= 20 then
(True, "name accepted!")
(False, "name was too long; please limit it to 20 characters")
> validateName "Tom"
(True, "name accepted!")
Each value can have any type
> (12.6, "banana", ["a", "b", "c"], False, {name = "Bill"})
: ( Float, String, List String, Bool, { name : String } )
isNegative n =
n < 0
> isNegative 4
False : Bool
addThese this that =
this + that
> addThese 7 9
16 : number
-- anonymous functions
squares = List.map (\x -> x * x) [-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3]
[9,4,1,0,1,4,9] : List number
Functions are auto-curried.
> divide x y =
x / y
<function> : Float -> Float -> Float
> divideTwelve = divide 12
<function> : Float -> Float
> divideTwelve 3
4 : Float
Something similar in JavaScript
var myCurriableFunction = function (x, y, z) {
return function (y, z) {
x + y + z;
myCurriableFunction(2)(3, 4)
All functions are auto-curried in Elm.
String.repeat 3 "hi"
-- "hihihi" : String
-- <function:repeat> : Int -> String -> String
threeTimes = String.repeat 3
-- <function> : String -> String
threeTimes "hi"
-- "hihihi" : String
This allows for elegant composition (pipelining)...
"Fort Collins"
|> String.repeat 2
|> String.reverse
|> String.map (\char -> if char == 'o' then 'x' else char)
|> String.toUpper
pluralize singular plural quantity =
if quantity == 1 then
Let's add some interactivity...
One of Elm's major benefits is that users do not see runtime errors in practice.
This is because of type inference. The compiler figures out what type of values flow in and out of all your functions.
-- TYPE MISMATCH ---------------------------------------------------------------
The argument to function `toFullName` is causing a mismatch.
6│ toFullName { fistName = "Hermann", lastName = "Hesse" }
Function `toFullName` is expecting the argument to be:
{ …, firstName : … }
But it is:
{ …, fistName : … }
Hint: I compared the record fields and found some potential typos.
firstName <-> fistName
No matter how big and complex things get, the Elm compiler checks that everything fits together properly just based on the source code.
Note: Especially valuable with multiple collaborators.
You can actively use Elm's type system to improve the correctness and maintainability of your code.
pluralize singular plural quantity =
if quantity == 1 then
Let's introduce some
- type annotations
- a new custom type
The good practices that we're seeing convergence on in JS land, are inescapable in Elm.
TODO: maybe kill?
| 💥 Early JS | Recent JS | React | Elm |---|---|---| | Mutating the DOM manually | Virtual DOM | React | Elm | | State was spread out | Now it's centralized | Redux | Elm | | Multi-directional data flow | Uni-directional data flow | Redux | Elm | | Mutable shared state | Immutable shared state | Immutable.js | Elm | | Silent type errors | Type checking UI props | PropTypes/Flow | Elm
JS Frameworks are now Emulating Elm
Every Elm program is composed 100% of
Note: you can truly say that Elm is a functional programming language.
Can anyone spot the hidden side-effect?
todoList.addTodo = function() {
todoList.todos.push({text: todoList.todoText, done: false});
todoList.todoText = '';
A function that returns nothing can only be called for its side effects.
Can anyone spot the side-cause?
todoList.remaining = function() {
var count = 0;
angular.forEach(todoList.todos, function(todo) {
count += todo.done ? 0 : 1;
return count; // We ARE returning something this time.
- So either: return the same value every time
- There is a hidden argument
- Changes the behavior of this code each time it's called.
var adder = function(a, b) {
return a + b;
So what makes a language functional?
"Functional Programming is about eliminating side effects where you can and controlling them where you can’t, and that will lead you on a very interesting journey."
"It is my deep hope that in the morning, you will go to your computer, and you will see side-effects everywhere."
"And it will ruin your lives, and torture you for years..."
"...and it will also make you a much better programmer." - @krisajenkins
- Researcher at Microsoft Research
- https://www.youtube.com/v/iSmkqocn0oQ?start=18&end=115
Every Elm program is composed 100% of
(no side-effects)
So, how do we do anything useful?
Remember the Virtual DOM?
render() {
if (this.props.inventory.length) {
return (
this.props.inventory.map(x => {
return <InventoryItem item={x}/> });
} else {
return "There are no inventory items.";
function returns a
...of the DOM as data
Virtual DOM is an
...for the DOM
Elm is an
...you get the idea.
Pure functions describe these effects
Something produces a Cmd
...Elm returns a Msg
- the user, event in the HTMLCmd
- your code, returningCmd
from a functionSub
- a subscription, time, websocket etc
You will never see code like this in Elm...
var timeInMs = Date.now()
//-> 1477950154376
timeInMs = Date.now() // no arguments
timeInMs = Date.now() // each call returns a different value
var randomFloat = Math.random()
//-> 0.4274841726102241
randomFloat = Math.random() // no arguments
randomFloat = Math.random() // each call returns a different value
You ask for these things with a Cmd
...Elm returns them to you in a Msg
We either move simple things (time, random) to controlled environment
Or we move complex things (your entire codebase) to uncontrolled environment
This is the major difference between Elm and its competitors...
- All functions are pure
- All side effects are controlled
That means asynchronous and side-effectful functions are:
- easily understood (and usually smaller)
- easily identified by their return type:
- easily testable (data in, data out, no mocking)
This is a huge benefit for maintanability.
Elm lifts side effects into its type system.
But there are many other hazards for our programs...
But there are many other hazards for our programs...
But there are many other hazards for our programs...
But there are many other hazards for our programs...
As you probably guessed, these are also handled by the type system.
"Algebraic data types"
"Discriminated union types"
"Union types"
Similar concept to an enum
that you might have seen in other languages.
type Bool -- type
= True -- constructor or 'case'
| False -- constructor or 'case'
NOT a constructor in the OO sense. These are values, and the compiler will enforce that all possible cases of a union type are handled in your code.
Create your own for modeling your data...
type GamePhase
= Ready
| InProgress
| Won
| Lost
(we'll get back to this when we talk about 'invariants')
List.head ["Alice", "Bob", "Eve"]
> ...?
List.head []
> ...?
Let's try....
is a union type...
type Maybe a
= Just a
| Nothing
Represents values that may or may not exist.
The compiler forces you to handle each case...
names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Eve"]
first = List.head names
case first of
-- ... the list was empty
Just value ->
-- ... succeed with value
Sometimes you just provide a default...
names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Eve"]
first = Maybe.withDefault "NONE" (List.head names)
Use Maybe
in your data models:
type alias PersonName =
{ first : String -- required
, middle : Maybe String -- optional
, last : String -- required
If a Maybe
is not handled, your code will not compile.
An entire category of
...is wiped from existence.
Exceptions are lifted into the type system just like side effects and nulls.
Result error value
type Result error value
= Ok value
| Err error
A Result
is either Ok
meaning the computation succeeded, or it is an Err
meaning that there was some failure.
The Elm compiler will ensure Result
is used for any operation that might fail.
- conversions
- accessing http
- accessing storage
- etc...
numberString = "1664"
result = String.toInt numberString
case result of
Err msg ->
-- ... fail with message
Ok value ->
-- ... succeed with value
Again, you can provide a default...
numberString = "This ain't right"
result = Result.withDefault 0 (String.toInt numberString)
-- alternate syntax using the backwards pipe (fewer parens)
result = Result.withDefault 0 <| String.toInt numberString
-- alternate syntax using forwards pipe
result =
|> String.toInt
|> Maybe.withDefault 0
Say goodbye to runtime exceptions...
So what is an invariant anyway?
Quesion: What kind of person would model a light bulb like this?
// JavaScript model of a light bulb...
var bulb = {
on: true,
off: false
Answer: Only a maniac.
var bulb = {
on: true,
off: true
It's only a matter of time before we get into an illegal state.
This is a silly example of an
When you start looking you start to
all over your code
Simple model for a Contact
type alias Contact =
{ name : String
, email : String
, address : String
- Email and address are now optional
- But a Contact must have at least one contact method
type alias Contact =
{ name : String
, email : String
, address : String
We could make Maybe
to make them both optional...
type alias Contact =
{ name : String
, email : Maybe String
, address : Maybe String
But it's still possible to create a Contact in an invalid state:
dude =
{ name = "Jeffrey Lebowski"
, email = Nothing
, address = Nothing
-- we're supposed to have at least one contact method...
Valid Option 1
type ContactMethod
= EmailOnly String
| AddressOnly String
| EmailAndAddress (String, String) -- we use a Tuple
type alias Contact =
{ name : String
, contactMethod : ContactMethod
Try it out...
dude =
{ name = "Jeffrey Lebowski"
, contactMethod = EmailOnly "el_duderino@yahoo.com"
dude =
{ name = "Jeffrey Lebowski"
, contactMethod = AddressOnly "11304 Malibu Heights"
dude =
{ name = "Jeffrey Lebowski"
, contactMethod =
EmailAndAddress ("el_duderino@yahoo.com", "11304 Malibu Heights")
Valid Option 2
type ContactMethod
= Email String
| Address String
type alias Contact =
{ name : String
, primaryContact : ContactMethod
, secondaryContact : Maybe ContactMethod
Let's try it out...
dude =
{ name = "Jeffrey Lebowski"
, primaryContact = Email "el_duderino@yahoo.com"
, secondaryContact = Nothing
dude =
{ name = "Jeffrey Lebowski"
, primaryContact = Address "11304 Malibu Heights"
, secondaryContact = Nothing
dude =
{ name = "Jeffrey Lebowski"
, primaryContact = Email "el_duderino@yahoo.com"
, secondaryContact = Just (Address "11304 Malibu Heights")
Option 3
type ContactMethod
= Email String
| Address String
type alias Contact =
{ name : String
, contactMethod : ContactMethod
, alternateContactMethods : List ContactMethod
With our first model, we had to rely on
type alias Contact =
{ name : String
, email : Maybe String
, address : Maybe String
-- it's possible for email and address to both be Nothing
Leverage the compiler to
Tests are good
Host of tools for improving your code
💥 | ✅ |
null / undefined | Maybe a |
exceptions | Result error value |
invariants | types + compiler |
side effects | Cmd msg |
mutating the dom manually | virtual dom |
mutable shared state | all data immutable |
state was spread out | centralized state |
multidirectional data flow | unidirectional data flow |
silent type errors | strong type system |
Installing and getting going
npm i -g elm
mkdir my-proj && cd my-proj
elm package install
atom Main.elm
No user will ever get a breaking API change in a patch version.
elm package diff elm-lang/core 3.0.0 4.0.0
compiler helps you pick up right where you left off
plates stay spinning
Luke Westby
Timeline (compared to python)
- Advice to Evan Czaplicki, Elm's creator, from Guido van Rossum, Python's creator.
- It is impossible to mutate data
- It is impossible to not handle "null/undefined"
- It is impossible to not to handle exceptions
- It is impossible to have runtime type errors
- It is impossible to write an impure function
- It is impossible to mix side effects with other logic
- It is impossible to not handle all cases of a union type
Things I didn't have time for (but we can talk about):
- JS interop (the safe way)
- Integrate with existing projects
- Backbone --> React
- React --> Elm
- integration with redux
- Use for just a portion of your web application (grow from there)
- Evan Czaplicki (Elm creator) @czaplic
- Kris Jenkins (London) @krisajenkins
- Richard Feldman (NoRedInk) @rtfeldman
- Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research) Google him
- Yaron Minsky (Jane Street) @yminksy
- elm-format - code formatter
- elm-oracle - auto-completion
- Reveal JS - Node-based presentation tool
- Reveal-MD - Reveal JS + Markdown on the command line
- https://atom.io/packages/elm-format
- https://atom.io/packages/language-elm
- https://atom.io/packages/linter-elm-make
- Join FCIP on Slack!
- Original thesis on Elm - Evan Czaplicki
- What is Functional Programming - Kris Jenkins
- Haskell is Useless - Simon Peyton Jones
- A Tool for Thought - David Nolan
- Designing with types: Making illegal states unrepresentable - Scott Wlaschin (F#)
- The Wrong Abstraction - Sandi Metz
- Effective ML (Vimeo) - Yaron Minksy
- Compilers as Therapists - Luke Westby
comments or questions?