
Language development libraries for Rust

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Langdev libraries for Rust


  • logos Logos has two goals: To make it easy to create a Lexer, so you can focus on more complex problems and to make the generated Lexer faster than anything you'd write by hand
  • lrlex A replacement for lex/flex that generates Rust code
  • lexgen A fully-featured lexer generator, implemented as a proc macro.


  • lalrpop A convenient LR(1) parser generator
  • nom A byte-oriented, zero-copy, parser combinators library
  • combine Fast parser combinators on arbitrary streams with zero-copy support.
  • pom PEG parser combinators using operator overloading without macros.
  • peg A simple Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) parser generator.
  • glue Glue is a parser combinator framework for parsing text based formats, it is easy to use and relatively fast too
  • pratt A general purpose pratt parser for Rust
  • pest A general purpose parser written in Rust with a focus on accessibility, correctness, and performance using parsing expression grammars (PEG)
  • lrpar A Yacc-compatible parser.
    • nimbleparse_lsp An LSP server for quickly developing lrpar parsers, which parses input buffers on grammar change bypassing code generation.
  • tree-sitter A parser generator for building fast editor-friendly parsers with features like streaming, incremental, resumable (re)parsing, with timeouts and cancellations, and advanced syntax node queries.
  • rowan Generic lossless syntax trees
  • cstree A fork of rowan with threadsafe syntax trees and built-in source string interning
  • chomp Chomp is a fast monadic-style parser combinator library designed to work on stable Rust
  • oak A typed parser generator embedded in Rust code for Parsing Expression Grammars
  • chumsky A friendly parser combinator crate that makes writing LL(k) parsers with error recovery easy
  • rust-sitter A package for defining tree-sitter grammars alongside Rust logic

Regular expressions

  • regex An implementation of regular expressions for Rust. This implementation uses finite automata and guarantees linear time matching on all inputs.
  • regress A regular expression engine targeting EcmaScript syntax.
  • onig Rust-Onig is a set of Rust bindings for the Oniguruma regular expression library.


  • cranelift Cranelift is a low-level retargetable code generator
  • llvm-sys Bindings to LLVM's C API
  • iced-x86 A blazing fast and correct x86/x64 disassembler, assembler and instruction decoder
  • llama Friendly LLVM bindings
  • inkwell Inkwell aims to help you pen your own programming languages by safely wrapping llvm-sys
  • llvm-ir LLVM IR in natural Rust data structures
  • llvmenv Manage multiple LLVM/Clang builds
  • walrus A library for performing WebAssembly transformations
  • cilk Toy Compiler Infrastructure influenced by LLVM written in Rust.

String interning

  • lasso A multithreaded and single threaded string interner with a minimal memory footprint and arena allocation
  • string-interner A data structure to cache strings efficiently
  • simple-interner A simple append-only interner
  • string_cache A string interning library for Rust, developed as part of the Servo project

Just-in-time Compilation

  • iced-x86 A blazing fast and correct x86/x64 disassembler, assembler and instruction decoder
  • masm-rs A JSC/SpiderMonkey like macro assembler
  • b3 Rust port of B3, LLVM-like backend
  • jit (LibJIT) Just-In-Time Compilation in Rust using LibJIT bindings
  • lightning-sys GNU lightning bindings for rust
  • gccjit Higher-level Rust bindings for libgccjit
  • cranelift Cranelift is a low-level retargetable code generator
  • dynasm A Dynamic assembler written in Rust for Rust

Error reporting

  • codespan-reporting Beautiful diagnostic reporting for text-based programming languages
  • codespan Data structures for tracking locations in source code
  • text-size A library that provides newtype wrappers for u32 and (u32, u32) for use as text offsets
  • ariadne A fancy diagnostics & reporting crate
  • miette Fancy diagnostic reporting library and protocol for us mere mortals who aren't compiler hackers

Language server protocol

  • lsp-types Types for interaction with a language server, using VSCode's Language Server Protocol
  • tower-lsp Language Server Protocol implementation based on Tower
  • codespan-lsp Conversions between codespan types and Language Server Protocol types
  • lsp-server A generic LSP server scaffold


  • goldentests A golden file testing library where tests can be configured within the same test file
  • lang_tester Concise language testing framework for compilers and VMs (Linux only)
  • libtest-mimic Dynamically construct a test-harness that looks and behaves like Rust's built-in test harness
  • compiletest_rs The compiletest utility from the Rust compiler as a standalone testing harness
  • insta A snapshot testing library for Rust
  • k9 Snapshot testing and better assertions
  • bulk_examples_generator A tool created in Rust for create dozens/hundreds/thousands/millions of random examples based on a pest grammar (PEG)


Incremental compilation

  • salsa A generic framework for on-demand, incrementalized computation
  • verde A refreshingly simple incremental computation library


  • lexical Lexical, to- and from-string conversion routines (Fast lexical conversion routines for both std and no_std environments)
  • lexical-core Lexical, to- and from-string conversion routines (Low-level, lexical conversion routines for use in a no_std context)
  • lexical_bool A bool-like type that can be parsed from a string
  • ryu A Rust implementation of the PLDI'18 paper Ryū: fast float-to-string conversion by Ulf Adams
  • ryu-js Ryū-js is a fork of the ryu crate adjusted to comply to the ECMAScript number-to-string algorithm
  • hexponent C11 compliant hex float parsing
  • ordered-float Total ordering on floats
  • half A half-precision floating point f16 type for Rust implementing the IEEE 754-2008 standard
  • f128 Bindings to the gcc quadmath library
  • approx Approximate floating point equality comparisons and assertions

Binary & object file parsing, generating and processing

  • goblin An impish, cross-platform, ELF, Mach-o, and PE binary parsing and loading crate
  • gimli A library for reading and writing the DWARF debugging format.
  • faerie ELF and Mach-o native binary object file emitter
  • object A unified interface for reading and writing object file formats.
  • elf A pure-rust library for parsing ELF files
  • elfkit An elf parser and manipulation library in pure rust

Symbolic Execution

  • haybale Symbolic execution of LLVM IR


  • rsmt2 Wrapper for SMT-LIB 2 compliant SMT solvers.
  • z3 A high-level rust bindings for the Z3 SMT solver from Microsoft Research
  • z3-sys Low-level bindings for the Z3 SMT solver from Microsoft Research
  • z3_ref A high level interface to the Z3 SMT solver
  • z3d Z3 DSL interface for Rust
  • boolector Safe high-level bindings for the Boolector SMT solver
  • boolector-sys Low-level bindings for the Boolector SMT solver
  • smt2utils Libraries and tools for the SMT-LIB-2 standard
    • smt2parser A generic parser for SMT2 commands, as specified by the SMT-LIB-2 standard
    • smt2proxy An experimental binary tool to intercept and pre-process SMT2 commands before they are send to an SMT solver
    • z3tracer An experimental parser for Z3 tracing logs obtained by passing trace=true proof=true to Z3
  • good_lp Mixed Integer Linear Programming for Rust, with an user-friendly API. This crate allows modeling LP problems, and lets you solve them with various solvers.
  • Axiom Profiler A tool for visualising, analysing and understanding quantifier instantiations made via E-matching in a run of an SMT solver
  • [2017][PDF] Counterexample Guided Inductive Optimization based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories


  • structopt Parse command line arguments by defining a struct
  • clap A simple to use, efficient, and full-featured Command Line Argument Parser
  • pico-args An ultra simple CLI arguments parser
  • argh A derive-based argument parser optimized for code size


  • etcetera A library that aims to allow you to determine the locations of configuration, cache and data files for your application. Existing Rust libraries generally do not give you a choice in terms of which standards/conventions (Etcetera calls these ‘strategies’) they follow. Etcetera, on the other hand, gives you the choice
  • toml A TOML decoder and encoder for Rust (optionally uses serde)
  • envy Deserialize environment variables into typesafe structs (uses serde)


  • rustyline Rustyline, a readline implementation based on Antirez's Linenoise
  • repl-rs Library to generate a REPL for your application
  • termwiz Terminal Wizardry for Unix and Windows

String handling

  • beef Faster, more compact implementation of Cow.
  • smol_str Small-string optimized string type with O(1) clone
  • smallstring 'Small string' optimization: store small strings on the stack using smallvec
  • heck Heck is a case conversion library that exists to provide case conversion between common cases like CamelCase and snake_case. It is intended to be unicode aware, internally consistent, and reasonably well performing
  • ropey Ropey is a utf8 text rope for Rust, designed to be the backing text-buffer for applications such as text editors. Ropey is fast, robust, and can handle huge texts and memory-incoherent edits with ease.

Syntax trees

Pretty printing

  • pretty Wadler-style pretty-printing combinators in Rust

Variable binding

  • moniker An automagical variable binding library for tracking variables in scopes


  • cached Caching structures and simplified function memoization


  • wain WebAssembly interpreter written in Safe Rust with zero dependencies
  • wasmer The high-level public API of the Wasmer WebAssembly runtime
  • wasmtime High-level API to expose the Wasmtime runtime
  • wasmtime-jit JIT-style execution for WebAsssembly code in Cranelift
  • wasmlite-parser This crate parses WebAssembly modules and can generate LLVM IR based the data extracted from a module
  • parity-wasm-cp WebAssembly binary format serialization/deserialization/interpreter
  • substrate-wasm-builder A utility for building WASM binaries
  • walrus A library for performing WebAssembly transformations


  • tracing Application-level tracing for Rust
    • tracing-tree A Tracing Layer which prints a tree of spans and events.
    • tracing-forest Preserving contextual coherence among trace data from concurrent tasks
    • tracing-timing Inter-event timing metrics on top of tracing
    • tracing-coz Rust-tracing support for the coz Causal Profiler
    • tracing-flame A tracing Layer for generating a folded stack trace for generating flamegraphs and flamecharts with inferno
    • test-env-log A crate that takes care of automatically initializing logging and/or tracing for Rust tests.
    • tracing-unwrap This crate provides .unwrap_or_log() and .expect_or_log() methods on Result and Option types that log failed unwraps to a tracing::Subscriber
  • log A Rust library providing a lightweight logging facade
  • slog An ecosystem of reusable components for structured, extensible, composable and contextual logging for Rust


  • slotmap Containers with persistent unique keys to access stored values: Insertion, deletion and access all take O(1) time with low overhead.
  • indexmap A hash table with consistent order and fast iteration
  • vecmap Vec-based Map and Set data structures


  • union-find Struct and methods for union-find operation
  • ena An implementation of union-find in Rust; extracted from (and used by) rustc

Incremental Analysis

Timely Dataflow Resources


  • honggfuzz-rs Honggfuzz is a security oriented fuzzer with powerful analysis options that supports evolutionary, feedback-driven fuzzing based on code coverage
  • cargo-fuzz A cargo subcommand for using libFuzzer
  • libfuzzer-sys Barebones wrapper around LLVM's libFuzzer runtime library
  • wasm-smith A WebAssembly test case generator
  • fuzzcheck A structure-aware coverage-guided fuzzer
  • libafl

Fuzzing Resources


Type Checking

  • rusttyc An interface that allows for an intuitive translation of inference rules based on a Hindney-Milner-like bounded type meet-semilattice into rust code
  • polytype A Hindley-Milner polymorphic typing system

Peephole Optimization

  • egg Egg is a flexible, high-performance e-graph library
  • peepmatic A DSL for peephole optimizations and compiler for generating peephole optimizers from them

Garbage Collection

  • broom An ergonomic tracing garbage collector that supports mark 'n sweep garbage collection
  • gc A simple tracing (mark and sweep) garbage collector for Rust
  • shredder Garbage collection as a library for Rust
  • comet A garbage collection library for implementing VMs in Rust

Guides & Resources

Type Checking



Equality Saturation
