
A selection of common use config blocks for Nginx.

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Nginx config snippets collection

A selection of common use config blocks for Nginx web server. Tested against Nginx 1.10.0.


denygit.conf location block to deny access to Git related files and directories. Will 404 any request made to a matching file/path pattern.


denyhtaccess.conf location block to 404 error any requests matching an Apache web server .htaccess directory level configuration file.


forwardslash.conf is an if condition for use inside a location block to ensure all requested URL paths end with a trailing forward slash, with a 301 redirect otherwise.


frontcontroller.conf offers an example of a internal rewrite rule to route all requests not considered a file (e.g. a fullstop followed by 2-4 characters [a-z0-9]) to an index.php script in the document root.


multislashremove.conf is an if condition for use inside a location block to redirect URL paths containing multiple sequences of forward slashes, with a 301 redirect.


phpfastcgi.conf passes PHP script requests to a FastCGI backend - such as PHP-FPM. Works in tandem with phpfastcgiparam.conf, which defines Nginx FastCGI settings.


releasecssjs.conf rewrite rule for 'cache busting' requests to CSS/JavaScript resources back to their canonical source.

The 16 digit hash examples (below) could be either:

  • Randomly generated upon deploy.
  • Derived from Git SHA1 release.

For example:

Request: /57cb6492897bd7b7/css/style.css
Rewrite: /css/style.css

Request: /897bd7b71310c7a9/js/app.js
Rewrite: /js/app.js


releasecssjsexpires.conf is an extension to releasecssjs.conf, written as a location block with a 30 day Expires / Cache-Control: max-age=SECONDS window for the requested file.


removewww.conf is a template for the recommended Nginx way of handling redirects in the style of http://www.domain.com/URI_PATH to http://domain.com/URI_PATH.