3D Community Mural

This project includes the server side component to the 3D Community
Mural project. The 3D aspects come from the use of OSPRay on the
server side, following a Tapestry-like architecture.

How to Run

Before you run these commands, you need to have OSPRay downloaded. You
can download it from its Releases page on GitHub [0]. We are using
version 1.8.5.

To run the server, we need to create a Docker image with OSPRay
installed. You can do this by first running:

  $ ./go.sh build

Then to actually run the server:

  $ ./go.sh server

Then open http://localhost:8801 and you will see the scene
rendered. You can click and drag on the image that's returned to
rotate around the scene. Zooming does not currently work well.

Internally, the "./go.sh server" command passes several arguments to
the server code automatically. For instance, it passes the location
of the materials.txt file.

[0]: https://github.com/ospray/ospray/releases

Using the Service

This service is best described as a web-accessible rendering service
that can be used entirely from requesting special URLs and getting
images (JPEGs) back. This means that after constructing a URL you
can use it in an HTML image tag.

The Seelab team will handle running the service until the MVP is
finished, after which point, we will hand off a Docker image that
can be run on production systems. The Seelab base URL is:


The service is entirely stateless, so it will not remember anything
between requests. This means that everything it needs to know to
render the scene will have to be passed every request. This means we
will need to know the camera position, camera view direction, camera
up direction, desired resolution, and any scene information. For
the community mural, most of these parameters can be fixed, which
simplifies the requests.

Here is a pair of JavaScript functions. The first one requires all
information in the Tapestry URLs. The second one has a simplified
interface that only needs the camera horizontal/vertical positions,
image resolution, and ball position.

function makeTapestryURL(options) {
	const O = options;
	const parts = [
		O.prefix,  // base URL
		O.px, O.py, O.pz,  // position
		O.ux, O.uy, O.uz,  // up
		O.vx, O.vy, O.vz,  // view
		O.quality,  // resolution (square image)
		O.extra,  // extra parameters, like tiling
	return parts.join('/');

function makeMuralObject(options) {
	const O = options;
	const parts = [
		'obj' + O.number,  // e.g. "obj1"
		O.object,  // what object/model to use
		O.bx, O.by, O.bz,  // object position
		O.bsx, O.bsy, O.bsz,  // object scale
		O.brx, O.bry, O.brz,  // object rotation (degrees)
		O.material,  // ball material
	return parts.join(',');

function makeMuralWall(options) {
	const O = options;
	const parts = [
		O.r, O.g, O.b,
	return parts.join(',');

function makeMuralLight(options) {
	const O = options;
	const parts = [
		O.x, O.y, O.z,
		O.r, O.g, O.b,
	return parts.join(',');

function makeMuralURL(options) {
	const O = options;

	const lightParts = O.lights.map((light) => {
		return makeMuralLight(light);
	const sceneParts = [

	const extraParts = [];
	if (O.bgcolor) extraParts.push('bgcolor', bgcolor.join(','));
	return makeTapestryURL({
		prefix: 'http://accona.eecs.utk.edu:8801',
		scene: sceneParts.join(','),
		px: O.cameraHorizontal,  // camera x
		py: O.cameraVertical,  // camera y
		pz: -2.0,  // camera depth
		ux: 0, uy: 1, uz: 0,
		vx: 0, vy: 0, vz: 1,
		quality: O.quality,
		extra: extraParts.join(','),

For example, you could use this to construct a render looking directly
at a ball, that is directly in the center of the scene.

const url = makeMuralURL({
	cameraHorizontal: 0.0,
	cameraVertical: 0.0,
	quality: 512,
	obj1: {
		number: 1,
		object: 'Deer',
		bx: 0.0, by: 0.0, bz: 0.5,
		bsx: 1.0, bsy: 2.0, bsz: 1.0,
		brx: 0.0, bry: 0.0, brz: 120.0,
		material: 'Emerald',
	obj2: {
		number: 2,
		object: 'Angel',
		bx: 0.5, by: 0.0, bz: 0.5,
		bsx: 1.0, bsy: 2.0, bsz: 1.0,
		brx: 0.0, bry: 0.0, brz: 0.0,
		material: 'Emerald',
	obj3: {
		number: 3,
		object: 'Debris',
		bx: 0.0, by: 0.5, bz: 0.5,
		bsx: 1.0, bsy: 2.0, bsz: 1.0,
		brx: 0.0, bry: 0.0, brz: 0.0,
		material: 'Brass',
	negx: {
		name: 'negx',
		r: 0.8, g: 0.2, b: 0.2,
	posx: {
		name: 'posx',
		r: 0.2, g: 0.8, b: 0.2,
	negy: {
		name: 'negy',
		r: 0.2, g: 0.8, b: 0.8,
	posy: {
		name: 'posy',
		r: 0.8, g: 0.8, b: 0.8,
	negz: {
		name: 'negz',
		r: 0.8, g: 0.2, b: 0.8,
	posz: {
		name: 'posz',
		r: 0.2, g: 0.2, b: 0.8,
	lights: [
			x: 0.0, y: 0.9, z: 0.5,
			r: 0.8, g: 0.1, b: 0.1,
			intensity: 10.0,
	bgcolor: [255, 0, 0, 255],

This results in:


The scene has a fixed size and has limits on X, Y, and Z. Anything
(camera or ball) can be put anywhere in this fixed space, but going
outside of it (e.g. X=100) will not work as expected.

  X: -3.45 (left) to +3.45 (right)
  Y: -3.45 (bottom) to +3.45 (top)
  Z: -9 (far end of the box) to +1 (far end of the box)

Creating OBJ Models

Note: We currently do not use this conversion process. It could be
added back, but now that we are using OSPApp as the backend for our
OSPRay process, we get OBJ parsing for free.


There is a set of preloaded materials available to the user of the
service. These are based on a list available at:


They are referenced by name, with internal spaces removed. The current
master list of names is:

  Brass          Copper         Pewter         Jade           Turquoise
  Bronze         PolishedCopper Silver         Obsidian       BlackPlastic
  PolishedBronze Gold           PolishedSilver Pearl          BlackRubber
  Chrome         PolishedGold   Emerald        Ruby

Internally, these materials are loaded into the OSPRay process via
environment variables. On variable tells the number of materials to
load, and then the remaining variables follow a specific naming scheme.

  nmat: Number of materials to load (e.g. 12).
  mat_0: First material.
  mat_1: Second material.
  mat_11: Last material.

Each of the mat_ variables is a whitespace-delimited set of floats
(prefixed with a name). For example, Brass' environment variable
value is:

  Brass   0.329412 0.223529 0.027451 1.0  0.780392 0.568627 0.113725 1.0  0.992157 0.941176 0.807843 1.0  27.8974

These fields are, in order:

  Name, Diffuse R, G, B, Opacity, Specular R, G, B, Shininess

The server loads these from a materials.txt in the root of this
project. To create your own, add a line like the Brass one above to
the end of materials.txt. For instance, an opaque red matte material
might look like:

  Red  0.8 0 0  1  0.4 0 0  10

Then when you reload the server, you can refer to it by the name "Red".


There is a list of preloaded OBJ models. They are referenced by name
with internal spaces removed. The current list of models is:

  Angel                  Flower                 Home_08
  Arm                    Hat                    Home_09
  Banana                 HighRise_01            Horse
  BlueWhale              HighRise_02            Hospital_02
  Building_01            HighRise_03            Hospital
  Building_02            Home_010               Island
  Building_03            Home_011               PoloPants
  Cactus                 Home_01                Restaurant_01
  Church                 Home_02                Shop_1
  Crystal                Home_03                Stadium
  Debris                 Home_04                Umbrella
  Deer                   Home_05_v2             midSizeBuildingComplex
  DinoSkull              Home_06                wooden_door
  EnergyPlant            Home_07

Note: Currently the objs.txt file is not used for the list of preloaded
OBJ files. Instead, the scene.sh script exists to preload all of the
objects via the command line. This also means that converting OBJ
files to binary files is not needed.

From the technical side what happens is: when an object is created from
the command line, it gets added to OSPRay's scene with a name like:


Tapestry loops through all objects in the scene and extracts
the Actual_Object_Name from the name OSPRay gives it. This
Actual_Object_Name acts as the identifier for obj1, obj2, etc controls.


Note: This currently does not work due to how we are loading the
scene. To make this happen again, we would need to add a special OBJ
file for each wall and set the material for each one.

You can change the color of each wall to any RGB color. Each wall
is labeled as {Neg,Pos}{X,Y,Z}. In the scene URL, you would give a
particular wall name and then 3 floats. The exact wall names are:

  negx negy negz posx posy posz

An example specification for making the negx wall red is:



There are currently 6 available light sources, all of them point
lights. Their position, color, intensity, and radius can be changed.

In the URL, each light source is indicated by a bare "light" name,
as opposed to objects that are numerically suffixed. This means that
if you want multiple lights, it looks like:

  light,(params for light 1),light,(params for light 2)

Unused lights will be reset to a default position so if you specify
3 lights the first time and 2 the second, you'll only see 2 lights.

Fewer than 3 Objects

The renderer is hard coded to use 3 objects. If you want to use fewer
than 3, then the best course of action is to position the unwanted
objects outside of the box. For instance, setting X to 100 should
get it far enough away to not affect anything.

All of the other object parameters must be set correctly though or
else the request will fail. So one way to do this is to keep a base
object specification and then use then when needed:

const baseObject = {
	object: 'Donut',
	bx: 100.0, by: 100.0, bz: 100.0,
	bsx: 1.0, bsy: 2.0, bsz: 1.0,
	material: 'Emerald',

const obj1 = Object.assign({}, baseObject, {
	number: 1,

Background Color

Some renders do come back with transparent sections. Because we want
fully opaque images, we need to substitute a background color for all
transparent sections. To fascilitate this, there's now a control to
change this background color.

This goes in the "extra" section at the end of the URL and looks like:


Here R, G, B, and A are integers from 0 to 255. For instance, solid
white (the default if you don't pass anything) is:


Solid red would be:


And so on.

Miscellaneous Notes

In the OSPRay code, it would be nice to be able create an instance
with a different material than the instanced geometry. However, based
on Instance.ispc in the OSPRay library, it only uses the instanced
geometry's material.


OSPRay never explicitly defines what an affine3f is. You can find a
struct definition in the ospray.h header file, but all you get is:

  typedef struct { osp_vec3f vx, vy, vz; }                    osp_linear3f;
  typedef struct { osp_linear3f l; osp_vec3f p; }             osp_affine3f;

To get the real definition, you have to look at Instance.h:

  Once created, a trianglemesh recognizes the following parameters
  float3 "xfm.l.vx" // 1st column of the affine transformation matrix
  float3 "xfm.l.vy" // 1st column of the affine transformation matrix
  float3 "xfm.l.vz" // 1st column of the affine transformation matrix
  float3 "xfm.p"    // 4th column (translation) of the affine transformation matrix
  OSPModel "model"  // model we're instancing

(Side note: I think "trianglemesh" above should be "instance").

A question I had is: why not just store the whole matrix? For affine
transformations, you generally don't (never?) change the last row
and leave it as 0, 0, 0, 1. In other words, for most use cases,
your matrix will look like:

       l.vx    l.vy    l.vz      p
  [ [ XSCALE,      0,      0, XTRANS ]
    [      0, YSCALE,      0, YTRANS ]
    [      0,      0, ZSCALE, ZTRANS ]
    [      0,      0,      0,      1 ] ]