DevOp Pipelines - Practical seven

Introduction to Behaviour driven development (BDD) and testing with Cucumber

This is the starter repository for practical seven of the module DevOps Pipelines. The repository contains a simple IntelliJ Gradle project written in Java that demonstrates implementing a simple Gherkin scenario for adding money to a Revolut account.

Learning outcomes

After completing this practical exercise, you will be able to:

  • Configure an IntelliJ project to utilise Cucumber BBD framework.
  • Document user stories as Cucumber scenarios using the Gherkin DSL.
  • Implement definition steps and domain classes.
  • Utilise a modern test framework (Junit / TestNG) to test a Cucumber scenario.
  • Automatically build and test your Cucumber Java project using Cucumber, Gradle, (Junit or TestNG) and Github Actions.

Steps to complete

  1. Fork this repository for the practical:

  2. Using Cucumber and Java, implement the additional scenarios documented in the TopUp.feature file.

  3. Demonstrate your understanding of BBD with Cucumber by implementing one or more additional scenario(s) of your own design related to Revolut. Exemplar scenarios include but are not limited to:
    a. Preforming a currency exchange. For example, transferring money from a user’s euro to another currency eg. USD.
    b. Sending money to a friend using Revolut.
    c. Splitting a bill between your friends.
    d. Buying crypto currency using Revolut.

  4. Using Junit or TestNG test your implementation of the scenarios.

  5. Create a repository on GitHub and upload your project to the repository.

  6. Create a workflow file consisting of two jobs:

    a. A Build job that builds your project using Gradle.
    b. A Test job that tests your project using your selected test framework and Gradle.