- 4
- 1
BaseOneServerPerSuite swallows exception when stopping the server fails
#431 opened by stijn-vanbael-enprove - 6
Question about Sonatype permissions / groupId
#374 opened by mkurz - 4
- 3
Release for ScalaTest 3.1.x
#272 opened by kiranbayram - 8
MockitoSugar is no longer part of ScalaTest
#294 opened by toshetah - 3
Version 5.1.0 seem to miss MockitoSugar
#281 opened by renevangsgaardjp - 1
Release for Scala 2.13.0-RC2
#161 opened by raboof - 7
ScalaTest 3.1.0 Support
#214 opened by margussipria - 2
[Question] OneBrowserPerSuite: How to prevent browser startup when skipping tests using this trait?
#100 opened by el-dom - 5
Use GuiceOneAppPerSuite with async tests
#112 opened by dpoetzsch - 2
Can't Use BeforeAndAfterAll Because Play is Stopped
#111 opened by jamesward - 1
MiMa validation for the `2.13` artifact
#211 opened by ignasi35 - 2
Migrate formatter to scalafmt
#165 opened by ignasi35 - 0
Revamp Travis build
#201 opened by ignasi35 - 1
- 2
deprecated WebBrowser is used
#170 opened by alexandervanhecke - 1
Migrate formatter to scalafmt
#166 opened by ignasi35 - 0
Element.find to wrap WebElement.findElement
#144 opened by halfninja - 6
- 6
app implicit is null in GuiceOneAppPerTest
#107 opened by christianri - 0
- 0
- 1
Success of before and after injection varies according to GuiceOneServerPerTest or GuiceOneServerPerSuite
#121 opened by jpartner - 0
Add documentation for testing forms in ScalaTest
#94 opened by wsargent - 0
Add documentation for stub helpers
#93 opened by wsargent - 4
- 1
Remove global state from tests and examples
#57 opened by wsargent - 2
Errors on 3.0.0-RC1
#96 opened by hkirk - 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Routes not loading
#99 opened by onelson - 4
- 6
Release new version
#62 opened by aeons - 1
Update Scalatest references
#44 opened by wsargent - 1
Any examples with Macwire instead of Guice for Dependency Injection (OneServerPerSuite etc.) ?
#90 opened - 1
missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file 'MockitoSugar.class'
#83 opened by yuwu9145 - 2
- 10
OneAppPerSuite throws ClassCastException
#55 opened by gavares - 2
- 7
MixedPlaySpec runs tests in Parallel
#35 opened by cheeseng - 2
- 4
It seems that if afterAll method contains a value depends on application, then it won't run.
#67 opened by WayneWang12 - 5
Publish with Scala 2.12?
#71 opened by deontologic - 2
"Versions, Versions, Versions" page out of date
#72 opened by NathanC - 1
Update the Versions, Versions, Versions page
#54 opened by jducoeur - 1
Will there be `GuiceOneAppPerAsyncSuite`?
#70 opened by WayneWang12 - 4
ScalaTest 3.0 Support
#28 opened by schmitch - 6
Use Application instead of FakeApplication
#24 opened by thesamet