
A Web-based Growtopia Bot.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A Web-based Growtopia Bot.


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How it works

Basically, a NodeJS app is created, which acts as a ENet Client and also a Websocket server. It's a proxy to make communication from the website to ENet.
It uses websockets to communicate to make it easier, and since js on web only supports tcp.


Services used:

  • Proxy (/proxy)
  • Website (Optional, you can just connect via websockets instead of websites)
  • Cors (Required if website is used.)

Make sure you have the necessary tools installed, which are:

  • For Windows:

    • Windows Build Tools (npm install --global windows-build-tools)
  • For Linux:

    • Build Tools (Install build-essential)
  • Both:

    • Node GYP (npm install --global node-gyp)
    • Python 2.7

Once all the necessary tools are installed, you can now install the packages by doing:

$ npm install

Once the packages are installed, you should configure the config inside the config.json file.
The config file contains the required data to make it work.

proxy - The proxy object contains two child properties. ws which is an object, and usingNewPacket.

  • The ws object contains only one field, which is the port property which will signify what port to use for the proxy server.
  • The usingNewPacket property is set if the proxy will use the new packet protocol that Growtopia has.

web - The web object contains only one property, which is wsServers. Which is an array of websocket servers that it can connect to.

  • Each object in the wsServers array has 3 properties, host, port.
    • The host property indicates what ip the websocket server is hosted at.
    • The port ip determines what port the websocket server is listening to.
    • The usingNewPacket indicated if the websocket uses the new packet protocol. This is optional and defaults to false.

cors - Next up is the cors object. This is pretty much a proxy for web requests to "bypass" the no-cross origin errors. This should only be set if you are using the website. It has 2 properties, host and port.

  • host would be the ip on which the cors proxy is hosted at.
  • The port determines on what port the cors proxy is listening to.

Making it online


To turn on the proxy, you must build the necessary native module first. By simply doing:

$ npm run buildProxy

After that, just run the proxy by doing npm run proxy.


The website uses Nextjs which is a framework over React. It makes server side rendering and routes much easier to handle. To run it there are two options, dev mode and production mode.

dev mode is for development purposes only. If you want to edit the site and see a live preview, dev mode would be the best for you. Otherwise, use production mode to use a fast version of the site that is production-ready.

To run the dev mode version of the site, do:

$ npm run siteDev

While for the production mode, you would have to do these two simultaneously.

$ npm run buildSite
$ npm run site

Both modes listens to port :80 for the website.


The cors proxy is pretty much easy to run, you simply do:

$ npm run cors

and it should be online.

TODO List:

  • Support subserver connections.
  • Fix connections to private servers.
  • World Joining
  • ???


You can join the Pogtopia Development Discord and ask in the #coding channel for support about this project.


ama - Contains the modified ENet Library to work with the gt server. And string types of packet types.