
Working source code of Hamumu's Dr. Lunatic and related series.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Screenshots of game title screens

HamSandwich is a collection of working source code for several of Hamumu Software's titles. Running HamSandwich requires assets from official versions of the games, available for free from https://hamumu.itch.io/.

The original code releases on which this project is based are available on hamumu.com.

Save Compatibility

Saves and profiles from the retail versions of the games are fully compatible with HamSandwich saves, except that controls will need to be reconfigured.


The recommended way to compile the games is MinGW on Windows. The following platforms also have various levels of support:

Platform Toolchain Status Notes
Windows MinGW Primary CI: Appveyor
Linux GCC Primary CI: Appveyor
Browser Emscripten Secondary Play now
Windows MSVC Secondary CI: Appveyor
Windows Clang Tertiary No app icons
Linux Clang Tertiary
Android NDK Tertiary Incomplete

Windows (MinGW)

First-time setup:

  1. Install MSYS2, an environment for compiling C++ code.
    1. Visit https://www.msys2.org/ and download and run the latest "msys2-x86_64" installer.
    2. Choose a relatively short path with no spaces (say, C:\msys64 or D:\tools\msys2).
    3. After installation finishes, run pacman -Syu in the console that opens.
    4. When asked to do so, close the console and reopen it from the Start Menu (MSYS2 64bit > MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit).
    5. Run pacman -Syu again.
  2. Use cd to select the directory where HamSandwich will go.
    1. For example, if you want the code to go in C:\projects\HamSandwich, run cd C:\projects.
  3. Run pacman -S git to install git, a tool used for source code collaboration.
  4. Run git clone https://github.com/SpaceManiac/HamSandwich to download the code.
  5. Run cd HamSandwich to enter the directory.

Compiling and running:

  1. Run ./run to see a list of games in the project, and use ./run <project> to compile and play.
    1. For example, to run Supreme With Cheese, write ./run supreme.
    2. To compile without running, write make or make <project>.
    3. The first time you try to run a game, you will be prompted to download its installer from https://hamumu.itch.io/; follow the instructions shown.
  2. Run git pull to fetch changes which have been published here.

Windows (MSVC)

  1. Double-click tools/msvc/Generate VS2019 Solution.bat, or:
    1. Download dependencies by running powershell tools/msvc/install-dependencies.ps1.
    2. Run build/premake5.exe vs2019 (or appropriate VS version) to generate the solution files.
  2. Open and compile build/msc-v142/HamSandwich.sln in Visual Studio.
    1. For command-line builds, run msbuild build/HamSandwich.sln /p:Configuration=debug /p:Platform=Win32.
  3. Use installers from https://hamumu.itch.io/ to extract game assets to build/game/<project>.
  4. Debug from within Visual Studio to launch a game.


  1. Install dependencies (handled automatically on Ubuntu, Arch):
    1. premake-5.0.0-alpha16-linux.tar.gz from https://github.com/premake/premake-core/releases/tag/v5.0.0-alpha16.
    2. 32-bit G++ (or Clang) toolchain.
    3. 32-bit SDL2, SDL2_mixer, and SDL2_image development packages.
    4. 7-Zip and Innoextract to extract game assets.
  2. Use make and ./run as described above to build and run the games.


  1. If on Windows, install and use MSYS2 according to the instructions above.
  2. The Emscripten SDK will be installed automatically, or you can do so manually:
    1. cd to a convenient directory.
    2. git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git
    3. cd emsdk
    4. ./emsdk install latest-upstream
    5. ./emsdk activate latest-upstream
    6. source ./emsdk_env.sh
    7. Return to the HamSandwich directory.
  3. Run ./run <project> --web to run the build and open the result in your browser.

Bundling assets (worlds, music, graphics, etc.):

  1. Commit your assets to a subfolder in the repository of your choosing.
  2. In the appropriate project's section in premake5.lua, add a line pointing to your assets: assetdirs "your_asset_folder"

Publishing on GitHub Pages:

  1. Edit .github/workflows/publish-pages.yml file and change the distribute-web.sh line to include only the project or projects you wish to publish.
  2. Push your changes to GitHub and wait for the build to be prepared.
  3. In your GitHub repository's Settings > Options tab, GitHub Pages section, change the "Source" from "None" to "gh-pages" and click "Save".
  4. Your site will be published at https://yourusername.github.io/HamSandwich
  5. Future pushes will automatically update your site.

Publishing manually:

  1. Run tools/build/distribute-web.sh <project>.
    1. You can supply multiple projects to build them together, or leave off
    2. You can leave off the project identifier
  2. Upload the contents of build/webroot/.


  1. If on Windows, install and use MSYS2 according to the instructions above.
  2. Install Gradle and the Android SDK and set ANDROID_HOME.
    1. Example shell command: export ANDROID_HOME='C:\Wherever you installed the Android SDK\'
  3. Run ./android <project> to compile APKs.
    1. For example, to build Supreme With Cheese, write ./android supreme
  4. Run ./android --install <project> to install to a connected Android device.
  5. To view logs, run ./android --logcat