A Fun and Games Discord bot designed for anime community with many features tailored towards anime content.
Anime character quotes: Get quotes from popular anime characters like Luffy and Zoro from One Piece
Anime GIF searches: Look up GIFs from your favorite anime shows
Anime recommendations: Find new anime to watch based on title searches to know how much it is worth your time.
Anime info from APIs: Pull detailed anime info like studios, characters, etc from AniList and Kitsu
Anime Character Searches: Search for your favorite Anime character or a random character from anime to know more about them.
Manga info: Get details on manga series using the AniList API
AI chat: Talk directly to ChatGPT AI assistant about anime topics
Weather: Get weather report and forecasts of your location
Games: Play mini games like Rock Paper Scissors and Poker with other users
Reddit search: Look up top Reddit posts on a given anime
Embeds: Create customized embeds for messaging
YouTube search: Find YouTube videos on a given anime topic
Quora search: Search Quora for anime Q&A
Profile cards: Create customizable profiles for each user
Custom Welcome Messages: Welcome your new Discord members in a flashy message which will make them happy.
Economy & games: Earn virtual currency by working, gambling games
And much more!
Python 3.6 or higher
Repl.it or other hosting platform
Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/playscrbot/Joyboy-SK.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env
file with your Discord bot token and API keys
Run bot.py to start the bot
Run python bot.py
to start the bot
Test commands by messaging the bot on Discord
The bot is built in Python using the discord.py
API wrapper. It leverages the following key technical elements:
Object oriented design: Bot features are split into cog files by category for easier management.
API integrations: AniList, Kitsu, OpenWeather, etc APIs are used to pull rich data.
Async programming: Asyncio is used for non-blocking operations like API calls.
Persistent storage: User data like profiles and currency is saved locally.
Web scraping: Beautiful Soup is used to scrape sites.
Error handling: Try/except blocks handle potential errors from API calls.
Commands framework: discord.py command decorators are used for easy command creation.
Hosting: Uptime Robot and Repl.it keep the botpersisitently hosted.
To add the bot to your server, use the following invite link: Bot Invite Link. Follow these steps:
- Click on the invite link.
- Select the server you want to add the bot to.
- Grant necessary permissions.
- Confirm and complete the setup.
The bot requires the following permissions for full functionality (Don't worry, I am not stealing any of your data as I have no database):
- Administrator
Yes, we welcome contributions! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these guidelines:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your enhancements.
- Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance.
Vote for potential future bot features and enhancements:
✅ New game: Trivia
✅ Anime soundtrack search
✅ User leveling/experience system
✅ Anime character avatar generator
✅ Custom Dashboard
✅ A New Music Player
Visit here https://strawpoll.com/w4nWr6qQqyA to register your vote so i can start developing the best one right away!!
As Your feedback is valuable in shaping the direction of the bot's development!
This project is licensed under the [MIT] License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details
Website: https://youtube.com/@playscript