
Dead simple PHP template engine

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Dead simple PHP template engine

Information Description
Author Anton Raharja
Contant araharja at pm dot me
Version 1.0.11
Release date 140422
Last update 231117


Using composer by providing or editing composer.json.

Minimum composer.json:

	"require": {
		"playsms/tpl": "1.*"

More information about composer can be found at its website https://getcomposer.org

This package can also be installed without composer. You can simply include the src/Playsms/Tpl.php.

Usage example

An example template file the_page.html:

	<p>This is the title: {{ title }}</p>
	<p>This is the content: {{ content }}</p>
	<p>And this is the data: {{ $data }}</p>
	<p style='background-color: {{ lines.hexcode }}'>Color: {{ lines.color }}</p>

Example PHP file show_page.php using the template file the_page.html:


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$data = 'THE DATA HERE';

$loops = array(
	'lines' => array(
		array('color' => 'Red',   'hexcode' => '#FF0000'),
		array('color' => 'Green', 'hexcode' => '#00FF00'),
		array('color' => 'Blue',  'hexcode' => '#0000FF'),

$tpl = new \Playsms\Tpl;


	'title' => 'THE TITLE HERE',
	'content' => 'THE CONTENT HERE',


echo $tpl->getCompiled();

After compile() you can get compiled content using getCompiled():

    <p>This is the title: THE TITLE HERE</p>                                                                                                                 
    <p>This is the content: THE CONTENT HERE</p>                                                                                                             
    <p>And this is the data: THE DATA HERE</p>                                                                                                               
    <p style='background-color: #FF0000'>Color: Red</p>                                                                                                      
    <p style='background-color: #00FF00'>Color: Green</p>                                                                                                    
    <p style='background-color: #0000FF'>Color: Blue</p>                                                                                                     

For more examples please see examples folder.

Other documents can be found in docs folder.