Expensify with react and redux.

Do you have a habit of forgetting? or Did you ever wanted to track your budget? or Did you ever got confused where you spent most of your money?

Then there you go, this app is the answer for all the above and many more problems.

It is a budget tracking app, which helps you in taking care of your budget.

Here you can enter the expense, and set the date, by default it takes current date, and also you have to mention title(mandatory), if you want you can elaborate it in the description, but it is optional field.

then you can sort/filter expenses either based on amount or date.

I have used redux and moment libraries in this app.

redux for state management, as we have to store the data, reflect it back to the screen, and then give the power to add filters to that data.

moment helps us with date handling, it makes life really easy.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://link-to-project

Go to the project directory

  cd expensify

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the server

  npm start