- 4
inconsistent kingdom tag: Metazoa / Animalia used interchangeably(?) within same dataset
#295 opened by rossmounce - 1
In: "generic keys of the Leiodidae (Insecta: Coleoptera)" contains plants & fungi
#302 opened by rossmounce - 7
Issues on the Mesostigmatic mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) of Saudi Arabia... paper digitization
#321 opened by camiplata - 3
Geolocation improvement : Revision of the genus Prometopidia Hampson, 1902...
#280 opened by vijaybarve - 2
a ray-finned fish in a gastropod-only checklist
#293 opened by rossmounce - 4
Animalia is included as "genus" in several datasets
#319 opened by DianRHR - 0
GBIF feedback - Mite genus and host plants are mixed up -
#322 opened by ManonGros - 1
Errors in Phytotaxa processing
#320 opened by rossmounce - 1
Correction to Plazi records found on GBIF
#318 opened by millerjeremya - 5
Authorship incorrectly inferred - Phengaris teleius -
#317 opened by ManonGros - 3
Country error
#309 opened by millerjeremya - 0
147 datasets where one or several treatments have been wrongly assigned to a Plant classification
#316 opened by camiplata - 0
196 datasets with potential classification issues
#315 opened by camiplata - 2
Scale insect treatments with Plant clasification
#313 opened by camiplata - 0
Plazi datasets where one or several treatments have been wrongly assigned a Plant classification
#314 opened by camiplata - 1
Hymenoptera treatments with Plant clasification
#311 opened by camiplata - 1
Diplopoda treatments with Plant clasification
#312 opened by camiplata - 0
Month treatments with Coleoptera clasification
#310 opened by camiplata - 2
- 9
- 7
Treatment "Angiopteris nodosipetiolata Ting Wang tris, H. F. Chen & Y. H. Yan A, B 2024, sp. nov."
#290 opened by gsautter - 2
Incorrect citation
#307 opened by diegoastua - 2
- 1
Treatment "Enoplometopus debelius Holthuis 1983"
#305 opened by KatjaSchulz - 0
In: "Vespertilionidae. In: Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats." there are plants
#300 opened by rossmounce - 0
- 0
In: " An annotated checklist of the Diptera of the Galápagos Archipelago (Ecuador)" it contains non-arthropods inc plants
#299 opened by rossmounce - 0
In "An annotated checklist of the birds of Burkina Faso" some taxa are tagged as plants
#298 opened by rossmounce - 1
Incorrect higher taxonomy for Stevekenia -
#303 opened by ManonGros - 1
- 0
Some odd names to check
#304 opened by ManonGros - 1
"new mite species described during 2007 to 2012 3663" higher taxonomy errors
#285 opened by rossmounce - 1
- 1
a coleoptera checklist contains plants & fungi (higher classification error)
#294 opened by rossmounce - 1
"Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico" higher taxonomy errors
#284 opened by rossmounce - 1
the bank vole (a mammal) is NOT a plant
#292 opened by rossmounce - 1
"Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico" seems to contain plants
#282 opened by rossmounce - 1
higher taxonomy errors in
#288 opened by rossmounce - 1
Muridae contains a plant? [higher taxonomy error]
#289 opened by rossmounce - 1
weevils of Ukraine should not contain millipedes
#287 opened by rossmounce - 1
higher taxonomy errors in
#286 opened by rossmounce - 2
- 1
GBIF Feedback - Incorrect scientific name authorship -
#281 opened by ManonGros - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Higher taxonomy of host and mite was mixed up -
#276 opened by ManonGros - 2
Electroprojapyx, 2023 sp.nov. wrong
#275 opened by mdoering - 1
Occurrence issues reported by GBIF user
#274 opened by ManonGros - 1
Lyrodus mersinensis
#273 opened by gargo-mnhn