Only cats pictures from Dogs vs. Cats dataset were used for denoising because why not (^._.^)
All pictures were resized to 128x128 and normalized in range [-1, 1]
Gaussian noise with a mean=0 and variance=0.08 was applied to the images
10000 pictures were used for training and 2500 for testing
Total parameters of autoencoder: 776,579
The training was done for 50 epochs
Learning rate scheduler was used to reduce learning rate while training
Autoencoder architecture:
Images with a shape [3, 128, 128] ->
-> 4 blocks of [Conv2d -> LeakyReLU activation] ->
Latent space
-> MaxPool2d -> MaxUnpool2d ->
-> 3 blocks of [ConvTranspose2d -> LeakyReLU activation] -> ConvTranspose2d -> Tanh activation ->
-> denoised images with a shape [3, 128, 128]
Convolutional autoencoder for image denoising with a PyTorch
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