Docker Image from freqtrade


Based on freqtrade/freqtrade:develop

Added requirements

How to run:

docker image build .

# load backtest-result.json file to plot
docker-compose -f docker-compose.plot.yml run --name freqtrade-plot --rm freqtrade plot-dataframe --strategy Strategy001 -p ADA/BTC LINK/BTC --timerange 20200402-20200603 -i 1h

Make sure to export trades while backtesting

docker-compose run --name freqtrade --rm freqtrade backtesting --export trades --config user_data/config.json --strategy-list Strategy001 Strategy002 --timerange 20200402-20200603 -i 1h

# use backtest-result-Strategy001.json, which is created when backtesting multiple strategies at once
docker-compose -f docker-compose.plot.yml run --name freqtrade-plot --rm freqtrade plot-dataframe --strategy Strategy001 --export-filename user_data/backtest_results/backtest-result-Strategy001.json -p ADA/BTC LINK/BTC --timerange 20200402-20200603 -i 1h --indicators2 cci

You can also replace plot-dataframe with plot-profit to get profits graph