
SUPINFO 1WEB Project - Puzzler

Primary LanguageJavaScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense



This project was done for the SUPINFO 1WEB mini-project where we were asked to make a little puzzle game using the vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript only (jQuery was also permitted, but not used here).



The CSS style used here is strongly inspired from the philosophy of functional CSS and Tachyons CSS library's works. It was something I wanted to try out, as it seems that it was gaining popularity for some time now.


In this file a little set of functions I wrote that can be revised to build a very minimalistic drag and drop library. All the functionalities I wanted to implement didn't make it but the idea is here. An example of the things I didn't have time to add is the drop-anchor--swap-elements class that swap two elements when a draggable want to tie to an already full drop anchor.

(...) => {...} ? [...Array] ?? let/const ???

Some experimental js features presented in the last ECMAScript specifications were used. I didn't have time to downgrade all the syntax to es5. I point it as this is js syntax we didn't see in class.

Coding style

I used the semistandard coding style for the JavaScript.


Git was used for this project, and is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/pldiiw/1web-puzzler .


This repo is under the Unlicense. See LICENSE file for more information.
EXCEPT the version tagged v1.0.0 that is licensed to SUPINFO International University under the FreeBSD license. See here for more insight.