
Monthly member contributions markdown files


Monthly member contributions markdown files


Closing date

The last week of the following month will be the final date for edits for the previous month. What this means: If you are working on February member contributions, the last date before the maintainers will merge it with the main website will be the last week of March. Try to notify the maintainers if there are changes after this date.

Purpose of this Repository

The content of the monthly markdown will be merged into the Plebnet.dev website every month.

Any member can update this file.

The purpose of this repository is to allow people who are unfamiliar with markdown to practice directly in the browser. No need to understand git, only need to use the web interface for updating the member contributions every month.

Use the following naming scheme so the ordering is easier to follow:


E.g. For February 2024, the filename is 2024_02_contributors.md

For December 2024, the file name is 2024_12_contributors.md

HOW-TO Update Video instructions

For people new to github and markdown.


Sample markdown file

Use this file to practice your markdown without worrying about making errors in the Monthly update file. Also remember, any member can update the monthly file so it might change in between your visits. If you made a commit and accidentally deleted it in between saves, you can always go back and look at the history to restore it. Lets see how this works.

Image directory

You can add the title image to this directory for the month you are working on. There is no need to worry about linking, just add it and tell the website maintainers to add the images and where it located when the monthly is ready.